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Staff photo Jakob Wickzell

Jakob Wickzell

I am a PhD student in educational work. My research project concerns how the place affects teachers within compulsory school’s aesthetic subjects in rural Arctic Sweden.


Works at

Z, Lärarutbildningshuset, plan 4 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Affiliated as doctoral student at Arctic Centre at Umeå University Section: Arctic Graduate School with a focus on Sustainable Development
Universum, Arktiskt centrum vid Umeå universitet, A Working Lab, Universum, Universums gränd 8 907 36 UMEÅ Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I am a PhD student at the Department of Creative Studies and is associated with Arctic Centre at Umeå University. I have a background as a music teacher and have worked in compulsory school before starting my doctoral journey. My research is within educational work and examines what affect place has for teachers in aesthetic subjects in northern Sweden's rural areas. It includes both how the work, and the opportunities for work, for these teachers is affected by the place, as well as how the locale influences the content of the teaching.

Research projects

I teach music in teacher education and in other courses. My teaching mainly concerns arrangement, composition and music theory, as well as drums and percussion.