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Staff photo Henrik Groundstroem

Henrik Groundstroem

Licensed psychologist and PhD student within clinical psychology. My research focuses on long-term psychosocial consequences of gamete donation.

Works at

Doctoral student at Department of Psychology
Hus Y, Beteendevetarhuset, Vindarnas torg, Mediagränd 14 Umeå universitet, Beteendevetarhuset, 901 87 Umeå

I work within "The Swedish Study on Gamete Donation" (SSGD) that investigates the long-term consequences of gamete donation (sperm and oocytes) within the Swedish context of identity-release donation. 

Abstracts 40th hybrid annual meeting of the European society of human reproduction and embryology
Groundstroem, Henrik; Paulin, Johan; Sydsjö, Gunilla; et al.
Annual Conference for the European Human Behavior and Evolution Association (EHBEA) 2023, London, UK, April 18-21, 2023.
Groundstroem, Henrik; Fredriksson, Anders; Nyman-Kurkiala, Pia; et al.
Poikkeuksellinen nuoruus korona-aikaan: nuorten elinolot -vuosikirja 2022, Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos 2022 : 113-124
Hemberg, Jessica; Korzhina, Yulia; Sundqvist, Amanda; et al.
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, Routledge 2022, Vol. 27, (1) : 362-384
Hemberg, Jessica; Östman, Lillemor; Korzhina, Yulia; et al.
Poikkeuksellinen nuoruus korona-aikaan: nuorten elinolot -vuosikirja 2022, Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos 2022 : 106-112
Maunu, Antti; Hemberg, Jessica; Korzhina, Yulia; et al.
Sociological knowledges for alternative futures, European Sociological Association 2021 : 974-974
Groundstroem, Henrik; Nyman-Kurkiala, Pia; Hemberg, Jessica; et al.
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, Routledge 2021, Vol. 26, (1) : 41-56
Hemberg, Jessica; Korzhina, Yulia; Groundstroem, Henrik; et al.
Nuorisotutkimuspäivät, Online, 5-6 November, 2020.
Groundstroem, Henrik; Östman, Lillemor; Groundstroem, Jacob; et al.
Nordic Youth Research Symposium (NYRIS), YOUTH MOVES - Voices - Spaces - Subjectivites, Trollhättan, Sweden, 15–17 June, 2016
Nyman, Pia; Grannäs, Jan; Kurkiala, Henrik
Differences, inequalities and sociological imagination - programme book
Nyman-Kurkiala, Pia; Linnea, Storsved; Kurkiala, Henrik

Research groups

Group member

Research projects

1 January 2004 until 31 December 2025