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Staff photo Hans Wiklund

Hans Wiklund

Hans Wiklund is the University Director since March 2020.

Works as

University Director at University Management Section: University Management
Universitetsledningshuset plan 6, Universitetsområdet Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

Hans Wiklund took up the position of University Director in March 2020.

From June 2022 to January 2024, Wiklund was also the government's national coordinator, as well as special investigator, for more places for clinical placements in nursing education. On 1 February 2024, the report (SOU 2024:9) "Utvecklat samarbete för verksamhetsförlagd utbildning – långsiktiga åtgärder för sjuksköterskeprogrammen" was submitted to the Minister for Education.

As of 1 January 2025, Wiklund is a member of the steering committee for the Swedish Association of Universities and University Colleges' programme for leaders in academia, namely the Rector Programme and the Higher Leadership Programme (HeLP).

In 2024, Wiklund chaired the negotiating delegation of the Association of Swedish Universities and University Colleges, which represents the association's 38 member universities in the negotiations with the Swedish Council for Higher Education on the agreement on admission and licensing services from 2025. The new agreement was signed on 31 January 2025. The negotiation delegation has been given an additional assignment in 2025 to develop collaborative processes based on the new agreement that strengthen the universities' transparency and influence over the admission and licensing service.

Since 1 July 2021, Wiklund has been chair of the Expert Group for Archive and Information Management within the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions.

Prior to his assignment as University Director, Wiklund has held various assignments as a manager and expert in government and other public activities, including as regional director of one of the country's 21 regions and principal secretary for various investigations at the Government Offices.

Hans Wiklund has a background as a researcher and teacher in political science and received his PhD in 2002.