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Staff photo Hannes Kempf

Hannes Kempf

I am a postdoc working on the ultrafast spectroscopy of magneto-optical effects.



Works at

Postdoctoral fellow at Department of Physics Section: Ultrafast Nanoscience
Fysikhuset, plan 1, Linnaeus väg 24 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I received my Ph.D. in physics from the University of Konstanz, Germany, where I focused on the technological development of laser systems as well as field-resolved detection schemes such as electro-optical sampling. Since 2025 I am a postdoc in the Ultrafast Nanoscience group at Umeå University, led by Dr. Nicolò Maccaferri.

My current research focusses on solid-state physics, while the main project involves the investigation of magneto-optical effects using ultrafast pump-probe techniques. More specifically, the control of magnetic phenomena induced through twisted plasmons which are generated through ultrashort laser pulses.

Research groups

Group member