Researcher in applied lingustics with focus on power relations and gender in conversations about humour and sports.
My research focuses on negotiations of power in conversation, often with a focus on humour. In my post doc project I studied how female and male cross-country skiers and sports pundits can negotiate for powerful positions in studio conversations on TV (SVT, Swedish public service TV). I have concluded that humour can be used as a means for negitiating for power positions in various ways (The Swedish Research Council for Sport Science).
I have also investigated which potenital humour has to challange and make nontions of disability visible. The data derives from a podcast where people with experiences of disabilities use humour (ERC Consolidator Grant project, Lotta Vikström).
In my dissertation I argued that female comedians have inferior possibilities than the male comedians to achieve powerful positions in a humour show on TV (Swedish TV4), due to the other interlocutors rejections in interaction.
When I'm not working, I do gymnastics, take ballet classes, compete in veteran athletics, and enjoy sewing.
Key words: language, gender, humour, sports, feminist discourse analysis, feminism, conversation analysis, multimodality
I teach and give lectures in rhetoric, language and gender, conversation analysis, sociolinguistics, writing. I give lectures and whole courses.