I have a Ph.D. in Educational Work and my research areas are visual arts education policy, policy enactment, educational traditions and teacher professionalism.
I have a Ph.D. in Educational Work and I work as an Assistant professor of visual arts education at Umeå University, Sweden. My research areas are visual art education policy, policy enactment, educational traditions, the prerequisite for art education, and teacher professionalism.
Current research projects
After my doctoral thesis Teaching fundamental values in art education: a study on policy enactment in secondary school (2021), I am working on a project on teachers' interpretation and translation of a new art syllabus in the Swedish compulsory school, as well as a joint project on teaching materials in art education.
Visuella arenor och motsägelsefulla platser: tio texter om transformativt lärande, identitet och kulturell förändring, Göteborg: Daidalos 2014 : 193-218