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Staff photo Glenn Sandström

Glenn Sandström

Glenn Sandström is a Docent/Associate Professor researching family dynamics from a historical and contemporary perspective.

Research qualifications: Docent


Works as

Associate professor at Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies Section: History
A, Humanisthuset, HUM.K.118 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Affiliated as research fellow at Centre for Demographic and Aging Research at Umeå University (CEDAR) Section: CEDAR Research
Norra Beteendevetarhuset, 4 tr, Umeå universitet Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

Glenn Sandström is a Docent in historical demography at the Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies and Centre for Demographic and Aging Research (CEDAR) at Umeå University, Sweden and he is also a Research Affiliate, at the Stockholm University Demography Unit (SUDA), Department of Sociology, Stockholm University.

Sandström research covers a wide range of issues regarding changes in family dynamics and gender relations such as the long-term development of family stability and fertility in Sweden and other European countries from the late nineteenth century up until today. Currently, Sandström is working on several different projects conserning historical and contmporary demography, for example focusing on the social changes underlying the increase in divorce in Sweden since the early 20th century up until today as well as the long term growth of one person households in Sweden. Since 2019 he is the PI of the Marcus an Amalia Wallenberg Foundation (DNR: MAW 2019.0029) The power of one? -The long-term increase in one-person households in Sweden, 1900-2017.

Published open access software is found on my GitHub page:


Research areas: History, Demography, Population, Family dynamics, Divorce, Marraige, Fertiltiy, Houshold structure, One person households, Singel living


Scandinavian Economic History Review
Stanfors, Maria; Andersson, Fredrik N. G.; Sandström, Glenn
The History of the Family, Taylor & Francis 2024, Vol. 29, (4) : 662-691
Sandström, Glenn; Brändström, Anders
The changing faces of families: diverse family forms in various policy contexts, London: Routledge 2023 : 142-163
Hobson, Barbara; Oláh, Livia Sz.; Sandström, Glenn
American Journal of Epidemiology, Oxford University Press 2023, Vol. 192, (1) : 41-50
Meyer, Anna C.; Ebeling, Marcus; Drefahl, Sven; et al.
Journal of Family Issues, Sage Publications 2023, Vol. 44, (1) : 3-24
Oláh, Livia Sz.; Karlsson, Lena; Sandström, Glenn
Genus - Journal of Population Sciences, Springer 2023, Vol. 79, (11)
Sandström, Glenn; Padyab, Mojgan; Noguchi, Haruko; et al.
Population Studies, Routledge 2023, Vol. 77, (3) : 417-435
Sandström, Glenn; Stanfors, Maria
The History of the Family, Routledge 2023, Vol. 28, (3) : 601-629
Sundvall, Samuel; Lundh, Christer; Dribe, Martin; et al.
European Journal of Ageing, Springer 2022, Vol. 19 : 651-662
Brändström, Anders; Meyer, Anna C.; Modig, Karin; et al.
History of Psychiatry, Sage Publications 2022, Vol. 33, (2) : 180-199
Liselotte, Eriksson; Junkka, Johan; Sandström, Glenn; et al.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, Sage Publications 2022, Vol. 50, (7) : 946-958
Meyer, Anna C.; Sandström, Glenn; Modig, Karin
Historical Life Course Studies, International Institute of Social History 2021, Vol. 10 : 172-179
Brändström, Anders; Sandström, Glenn
CEDAR Working Papers, 2021:9
Häggström Lundevaller, Erling; Vikström, Lotta; Sandström, Glenn
CEDAR Working Papers, 2021:10
Liselotte, Eriksson; Junkka, Johan; Sandström, Glenn; et al.
Population: Research and Policy Review, Springer 2021, Vol. 40, (2) : 163-185
Sandström, Glenn; Namatovu, Fredinah; Ineland, Jens; et al.
Stockholm Research Reports in Demography, 2021:9
Sandström, Glenn; Padyab, Mojgan; Noguchi, Haruko; et al.
PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science (PLoS) 2020, Vol. 15, (4)
Junkka, Johan; Sandström, Glenn; Vikström, Lotta
Stockholm Reserach Reports in Demography, 2020:34
Oláh, Livia; Lena, Karlsson; Sandström, Glenn
Reher, David Sven; Requena, Miguel; De Santis, Gustavo; et al.
Thule: Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundets Årsbok 2020, Umeå: Kungl. Skytteanska samfundet 2020 : 49-69
Sandström, Glenn
Sandström, Glenn; Stanfors, Maria
Lund Papers in Economic Demography, 2020:2
Stanfors, Maria; Andersson, Fredrik N G; Sandström, Glenn
Journal of Family Issues, Sage Publications 2019, Vol. 40, (8) : 1038-1064
Padyab, Mojgan; Reher, David; Requena, Miguel; et al.
Population, Space and Place, John Wiley & Sons 2019, Vol. 25, (7)
Requena, Miguel; Reher, David; Padyab, Mojgan; et al.
Sandström, Glenn; Lena, Karlsson
Demographic Research, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research 2019, Vol. 40 : 1645-1670
Sandström, Glenn; Lena, Karlsson
Scandinavian Journal of History, Routledge 2018, Vol. 43, (1) : 161-185
Sandström, Glenn
Scandinavian Journal of History, Routledge 2018, Vol. 43, (1) : 1-17
Sandström, Glenn; Garðarsdóttir, Ólöf
Population Studies, Routledge 2018, Vol. 72, (3) : 283-304
Van Bavel, Jan; Klesment, Martin; Beaujouan, Eva; et al.
Demography, Springer 2017, Vol. 54, (1) : 3-22
Reher, David Sven; Sandström, Glenn; Sanz-Gimeno, Alberto; et al.
Demographic Research, Vol. 37, (50) : 1625-1658
Sandström, Glenn
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Chicago Illinois, April 27–29
Sandström, Glenn; Marklund, Emil
The future of historical demography: upside down and inside out, Leuven: Acco 2016 : 28-30
Sandström, Glenn
European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), European Population Conference, August 31-September 3, 2016. In Session 111. Before, during and after the fertility transition. Mainz, Germany.
Sandström, Glenn; Marklund, Emil
Journal of Migration History, Brill Academic Publishers 2016, Vol. 2, (1) : 148-176
Vikström, Lotta; Marklund, Emil; Sandström, Glenn
Labor history, Taylor & Francis 2015, Vol. 56, (4) : 481-498
Grönberg, Per-Olof; Lundh Nilsson, Fay; Sandström, Glenn
Historical Life Course Studies, Vol. 2 : 20-36
Reher, David; Sandström, Glenn
Popoulation Association of America 2015 Annual Meeting: Session 150: Sex Preferences and Sex Composition Effects on Fertility Intentions
Reher, David Sven; Sandström, Glenn; Sanz-Gimeno, Alberto; et al.
Population Studies, Routledge 2015, Vol. 69, (1) : 57-71
Sandström, Glenn; Vikström, Lotta
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America 2015: Presented in Session 48. Families and Households in Comparative and Historical Perspective
Van Bavel, Jan; Klesment, Martin; Beaujouan, Eva; et al.
European  Population  Conference  Budapest,  Hungary,  25-­‐28  June   2014: Presented in Session 114: Demographic transition from micro-perspective, 18-20th century
Sandström, Glenn; Reher, David
Social science history, Cambridge University Press 2014, Vol. 38, (2) : 127-153
Sandström, Glenn; Strömgren, Magnus; Stjernström, Olof
XXVII IUSSP International Population Conference: Book of abstracts : 221-221
Vikström, Lotta; Sandström, Glenn; Marklund, Emil
Report from the Demographic Data Base, 32
Sandström, Glenn
36th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Boston, Massachusetts, 17-20 November, 2011.
Sandström, Glenn
The History of the Family, Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press 2011, Vol. 16, (3) : 292-307
Sandström, Glenn
Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol. 36, (1) : 65-90
Sandström, Glenn
Journal of Family History, Minneapolis: The Council 2011, Vol. 36, (2) : 210-229
Simonsson, Per; Sandström, Glenn