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Staff photo Frida Rudolphi

Frida Rudolphi



Works as

Associate professor at Department of Social Work
Samhällsvetarhuset, plan 5, Biblioteksgränd 4 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I work as assistant Professor (lektor) at the department for Social Work at Umeå University and I am a researcher in sociology at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University.

My research mainly concerns questions related to inequality in education, but also other aspects of young people’s lives. I apply a multidimensional approach to both inequality and education. That is, I both study different aspects of background, such as social and ethnic origin, gender, family structure, and different aspects of schooling outcomes, such as achievement and attainment, and at different ages. I use quantitative data and methods in my research.

European Sociological Review, Oxford University Press 2023, Vol. 39, (3) : 384-399
Dollmann, Jörg; Jonsson, Jan O.; Mood, Carina; et al.
Comparative Sociology, Brill Academic Publishers 2021, Vol. 20, (1) : 70-100
Rudolphi, Frida; Salikutluk, Zerrin
British Journal of Sociology of Education
Dollmann, Jörg; Rudolphi, Frida
Growing up in diverse societies: the integration of the children of immigrants in England, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden, Oxford University Press 2018 : 219-245
Dollmann, Jörg; Rudolphi, Frida; Parameshwaran, Meena
Report, 2018:3
Plenty, Stephany; Andersson, Anton B.; Hjalmarsson, Simon; et al.
Rapport, 2018:1
Plenty, Stephany; Andersson, Anton B.; Hjalmarsson, Simon; et al.
Models of secondary education and social inequality: an international comparison, Cheltenham/Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing 2016 : 165-180
Rudolphi, Frida; Erikson, Robert
Sociology of education, Sage Publications 2014, Vol. 87, (3) : 143-170
Fleishmann, Fenella; Kristen, Cornelia
Unequal attainments: ethnic educational inequalities in ten Western countries, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2014 : 95-118
Jonsson, Jan O.; Kilpi-Jakonen, Elina; Rudolphi, Frida
Ojämlikhetens dimensioner: uppväxtvillkor, arbete och hälsa, Stockholm: Liber 2014 : 125-155
Rudolphi, Frida
Determined to succeed?: Performance, choice and education, Stanford: Stanford University Press 2013 : 185-227
Rudolphi, Frida
Sociology of education, Sage Publications 2012, Vol. 85, (2) : 158-178
Jackson, Michelle; Jonsson, Jan O.; Rudolphi, Frida
Främlingsfienden inom oss: betänkande av Utredningen om ett effektivare arbete mot främlingsfientlighet, Stockholm: Fritzes 2012 : 263-391
Jonsson, Jan O.; Brolin Låftman, Sara; Rudolphi, Frida; et al.
Framtider, Stockholm: Institutet för framtidsstudier 2012, Vol. 2 : 13-19
Rudolphi, Frida
European Sociological Review, Oxford University Press 2011, Vol. 27, (4) : 487-508
Jonsson, Jan O.; Rudolphi, Frida
European Sociological Review, Oxford University Press 2010, Vol. 26, (3) : 291-305
Erikson, Robert; Rudolphi, Frida
Resultatdialog 2008, Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet 2008 : 30-36
Erikson, Robert; Rudolphi, Frida