Docent in Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Associate Professor in Health Economics. Work environment and fire safety representative at the department.
Associate Professor in Health Economics. Docent in Epidemiology and Biostatistics. PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health at Umeå University in 2012. PhLic in Mathematical Statistics at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in 2003. Lecturer in Biostatistics and Health Economics. Recognized teacher at Umeå University.
Research interests are: i) health economic modelling, ii) unemployment and health, iii) work environment and health with special interest in home care personnel, iv) development of statistical methodology within the epidemiology and public health fields, and v) celiac disease.
Project leader for the research projects: "Is better public health worth the price? - A health economic evaluation of increased staffing in home care" and "Covid-19 and home care: a high price for new lessons learned'".
Course responsible for the courses "Biostatistics" and "Advanced Topics in Health Economic Evaluation Methods" at the Masters Program in Public Health at our Department. Also shared course responsibility for the thesis course at this Masters Program.