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Staff photo Fatemeh Moradi

Fatemeh Moradi

I am an HCI researcher and the coordinator of our HCIUX master's program. I use a design thinking approach to gain an understanding of impactful change in society.

Works at

Associate professor at Department of Informatics
MIT-huset, Campustorget 5, MIT.F.434 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
NordiCHI '20: Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society
Moradi, Fatemeh; Öhlund, Linnea; Nordin, Hanna; et al.
Computers, Vol. 7, (4)
Moradi, Fatemeh; Wiberg, Mikael
interactions, ACM Press 2018, Vol. 25, (6) : 90-92
Moradi, Fatemeh; Wiberg, Mikael; Hansson, Mikael
Research reports in informatics, 17.01
Moradi, Fatemeh
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction: Methods, Techniques, and Best Practices, Springer 2016 : 371-381
Moradi, Fatemeh; Mikael, Wiberg
Architecture and interaction: human computer interaction in space and place, Springer 2016 : 113-136
Moradi, Fatemeh; Wiberg, Mikael
Procedia Technology, 9
Moradi, Fatemeh; Wiberg, Mikael
Information and Engagement in Personal Informatics Systems Design
Wiberg, Mikael; Moradi, Fatemeh
Moradi, Fatemeh; Deshpande, Parag; Wahlström, Viktoria; et al.

Research projects

6 April 2023 until 5 April 2028
1 July 2018 until 31 December 2020