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Staff photo Fabiola Puertolas Balint

Fabiola Puertolas Balint

Pharmacist, currently working as a PhD student in PI Björn Schröder´s research group.

Works at

Affiliated as other position at Department of Molecular Biology Section: PhD students, Group Björn Schröder
6K och 6L, Sjukhusområdet Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

Fabiola´s PhD project focuses on the interplay between antimicrobial peptides, diet, and microbiota. She is a part of the MIMS and UCMR communities at Umeå University.


After studying Pharmacy at the Universidad de las Americas in Puebla in Mexico, Fabiola completed her studies in Innovative Medicine as part of a dual International Erasmus Master’s Programme at the Universities of Groningen in the Netherlands and Uppsala in Sweden. During her Master studies, Fabiola investigated the mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli, the host-microbe interactions of the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus and the role of Lactobacilli bacteria in Helicobacter pylori infection.

Fascinated by the area of host-microbe interactions, Fabiola joined as the first PhD student of the PI Björn Schröder in April 2020 to investigate the interactions between diet, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and the microbiota. AMPs function as the natural antibiotics of the body controlling bacteria through several mechanisms. Her project focuses on determining the effect of a high-fat Western diet on AMP expression and investigating the changes in microbiota composition in response to the diet in the small intestine of mice.

More information

Björn Schröder lab

the Mucubacter lab webpage   

A MIMS interview with Fabiola 

Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group 2024, Vol. 15, (1)
Holmberg, Sandra; Feeney, Rachel H.; Prasoodanan P.K, Vishnu; et al.
Gut microbes, Taylor & Francis 2024, Vol. 16, (1)
Krigul, Kertu Liis; Feeney, Rachel H.; Wongkuna, Supapit; et al.
Umeå University medical dissertations, 2312
Puértolas Balint, Fabiola
Cell Reports, Cambridge: Cell Press 2023, Vol. 42, (2)
Birchenough, George M.H.; Schröder, Björn; Sharba, Sinan; et al.
Microbiology Spectrum, American Society for Microbiology 2023, Vol. 11, (3)
Puértolas Balint, Fabiola; Schröder, Björn
Ölander, Magnus; Rea Vázquez, Daniel; Meier, Karsten; et al.

Research groups

Group member