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Staff photo Eva Silfver

Eva Silfver

I am a professor of pedagogy with specialization in special education. My research interests mostly concern how power and power relations are expressed in education.

Research qualifications: Docent



Works as

Hus Y, Beteendevetarhuset Umeå universitet, Mediagränd 14, Beteendevetarhuset, 901 87 Umeå

I am a professor of pedagogy, but also have long experience of teaching in science school subjects and mathematics at, above all, upper secondary school. I got my PhD in 2007 and my thesis deals with how gender is constructed in classroom practice and how teachers can change their teaching towards a more inclusive science classroom.

My research interests have since been about norms and identity creation in schools and society. Issues about power, democracy and participation are central to my research that deals with inclusion / exclusion, normality / deviation and equality / inequality. In my analyses, I want to link micro, meso and macro levels, i.e. involve individual, school / education and society / social development because the political context surrounding school, classroom and individual is crucial for what happens there. I have taught many different teacher training courses, e.g. in courses related to identity, sexuality and cohabitation, but also more general education courses on e.g. norm-critical pedagogy.

Social Identities, Routledge 2024, Vol. 30, (3) : 261-277
Mendick, Heather; Silfver, Eva; Berge, Maria; et al.
New Media and Society
Ottemo, Andreas; Berge, Maria; Mendick, Heather; et al.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Routledge 2024, Vol. 68, (7) : 1555-1567
Silfver, Eva; Ekesryd Nordström, Malin
ECER 2023: Programme
Berge, Maria; Mendick, Heather; Andreas, Ottemo; et al.
Journal of Gender Studies, Routledge 2023, Vol. 32, (3) : 283-295
Mendick, Heather; Ottemo, Andreas; Berge, Maria; et al.
Engineering Studies, Routledge 2023, Vol. 15, (2) : 101-121
Ottemo, Andreas; Berge, Maria; Mendick, Heather; et al.
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, Routledge 2022, Vol. 22, (5) : 521-537
Junkala, Hannele; Berge, Maria; Silfver, Eva
Gender and Education, Routledge 2022, Vol. 34, (8) : 923-939
Silfver, Eva; Gonsalves, Allison J.; Danielsson, Anna T.; et al.
Pedagogiska rapporter från Pedagogiska institutionen, 100
Pettersson, Gerd; Knutsen, Oddbjørn; Silfver, Eva; et al.
Praktiknära pedagogisk forskning i det lärande nordiska nätverket Gemensamma Vägar: en antologi, Umeå: Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 2021 : 7-10
Pettersson, Gerd; Ström, Kristina; Silfver, Eva; et al.
Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics
Mendick, Heather; Berge, Maria; Silfver, Eva; et al.
Science Education, John Wiley & Sons 2020, Vol. 104, (4) : 693-713
Ottemo, Andreas; Berge, Maria; Silfver, Eva
Gender and Education, Routledge 2020, Vol. 32, (5) : 682-696
Silfver, Eva; Maritha, Jacobsson; Arnell, Linda; et al.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Routledge 2020, Vol. 64, (3) : 313-332
Takala, Marjatta; Silfver, Eva; Karlsson, Yvonne; et al.
NERA, Nordic Educational Research Association 2019
Andrée, Maria; Arvola-Orlander, Auli; Berge, Maria; et al.
Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2019, Vol. 10, (2) : 142-154
Angervall, Petra; Silfver, Eva
European Journal of Engineering Education, Taylor & Francis 2019, Vol. 44, (5) : 650-665
Berge, Maria; Silfver, Eva; Danielsson, Anna
NERA, Nordic Educational Research Association 2019
Danielsson, Anna; Silfver, Eva; Gonsalves, Allison; et al.
Engineering Studies, Routledge 2019, Vol. 11, (3) : 172-195
Danielsson, Anna T.; Gonsalves, Allison J.; Silfver, Eva; et al.
International Journal of STEM education, Springer 2019, Vol. 6, (13) : 1-17
Gonsalves, Allison J.; Silfver, Eva; Danielsson, Anna; et al.
All Academic, Inc. 2019
Gonsalves, Allison; Silfver, Eva; Danielsson, Anna; et al.
Cultural Studies of Science Education, Springer 2019, Vol. 14, (1) : 139-155
Silfver, Eva
Higher Education Research and Development, Routledge 2018, Vol. 37, (6) : 1095-1108
Angervall, Petra; Gustafsson, Jan; Silfver, Eva
Atlanta: 2018
Danielsson, Anna; Silfver, Eva; Berge, Maria
ECER 2018: Inclusion and Exclusion, Resources for Educational Research?, Bolzano, Italy, September 3-7, 2018
Danielsson, Anna; Silfver, Eva; Berge, Maria
ECER 2018 (European Conference on Educational Research): Inclusion and Exclusion, Resources for Educational Research?, 3-7 September, Bolzano, Italy
Danielsson, Anna; Silfver, Eva; Berge, Maria
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, Vol. 23, (1-2) : 107-126
Ineland, Jens; Silfver, Eva
ECER 2018 (European Conference on Educational Research): Inclusion and Exclusion, Resources for Educational Research?, 3-7 September, Bolzano, Italy
Silfver, Eva; Danielsson, Anna; Gonsalves, Allison; et al.
XVIII IOSTE symposium: Future educational challenges from science and technology perspectives, 13-17 August 2018, Malmö, Sweden
Silfver, Eva; Danielsson, Anna; Gonsalves, Allison; et al.
Proceedings of the 45th SEFI Annual Conference 2017: Education Excellence for Sustainability, European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) 2017 : 1393-1400
Berge, Maria; Ingerman, Åke; Danielsson, Anna; et al.
Dublin: 2017
Danielsson, Anna; Silfver, Eva; Berge, Maria
London: Middlesex University 2017
Danielsson, Anna T.; Silfver, Eva; Berge, Maria
Genus och specialpedagogik – praktiknära perspektiv: en vetenskaplig antologi från Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten, Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten 2017 : 43-63
Silfver, Eva
GEA conference 2017: programme & book of abstracts, London: Middlesex University 2017 : 56-57
Silfver, Eva; Danielsson, Anna T.; Berge, Maria
ECER 2016, European Conference of Educational Research, Dublin, Ireland, August 23-26, 2016
Silfver, Eva
ECER 2016 Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers
Silfver, Eva; Danielsson, Anna; Ingerman, Åke; et al.
Ethnography and Education, Taylor & Francis 2016, Vol. 11, (3) : 237-252
Silfver, Eva; Sjöberg, Gunnar; Bagger, Anette
Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD: [Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education], Göteborg: Nationellt centrum för matematikutbildning (NCM) 2015, Vol. 20, (1) : 55-75
Sjöberg, Gunnar; Silfver, Eva; Bagger, Anette
Childhood Explorer, Washington, DC: Association for Childhood Education International 2014, Vol. 1, (4) : 6-8
Silfver, Eva
G14: Att utmana makten, Umeå, 26- 28 november 2014
Silfver, Eva; Areljung, Sofie; Hentschel, Linn; et al.
Pedagogiska Magasinet, Stockholm: Lärarförbundet 2014, (3) : 40-43
Sjöberg, Gunnar; Silfver, Eva
Kön och karriär i akademin: en studie inom det utbildningsvetenskapliga fältet, Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis 2013 : 19-37
Angervall, Petra; Gustafsson, Jan; Lundahl, Lisbeth; et al.
Kön och karriär i akademin: en studie inom det utbildningsvetenskapliga fältet, Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis 2013 : 124-142
Angervall, Petra; Gustafsson, Jan; Silfver, Eva
Research in science education, Springer Netherlands 2013, Vol. 43, (2) : 599-617
Ekborg, Margareta; Ottander, Christina; Silfver, Eva; et al.
Kön och karriär i akademin: en studie inom det utbildningsvetenskapliga fältet, Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis 2013 : 73-106
Silfver, Eva
Kön och karriär i akademin: en studie inom det utbildningsvetenskapliga fältet, Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis 2013 : 53-71
Silfver, Eva
International Journal of Qualitative Methods, University of Alberta, Int. Inst. of Qualitative Methodology, Edmonton Clinic in Health Academy, Edmonton, Canada 2013, Vol. 12 : 39-51
Silfver, Eva; Sjöberg, Gunnar; Bagger, Anette
Skrifter från Svensk matematikdidaktisk forskning, MADIF, linköping: Svensk förening för matematikdidaktisk forskning 2012 : 151-160
Nyroos, Mikaela; Bagger, Anette; Silfver, Eva; et al.
Issues of heterogeneity and cultural diversity in science education and science education research: a collection of invited papers inspired by the 21th Symposium on Chemistry and Science Education held at the University of Dortmund, 17-19 May 2012, Aachen, Germany: Shaker Publishing 2012 : 61-72
Silfver, Eva
Angervall, Petra; Gustafsson, Jan; Silfver, Eva