I am a postdoctoral fellow working in Henrik Sjödin's group in the Department of epidemiology and global health. My research is on mathematical modeling of infectious diseases.
I first started research in infectious disease modeling as an undergraduate at Tulane University where I studied mathematics, computer science, and public health. I continued this research during my masters at Tulane and during my PhD at the University of Washington.
My PhD research focused on determining optimal mitigation strategies for controlling the spread of infectious diseases. My work included an optimal-control problem that determines which reduced-mixing strategy maximizes economic output, with a cost of infection, under SIS disease dynamics. This model was applied to a case study of bovine mastitis in dairy cows. I also worked on equity-based optimization for COVID-19 vaccine allocation, which aimed to provide a framework for addressing racial disparities in COVID-19 outcomes.
My current research in Henrik Sjödin lab at Umeå University in Sweden is on modeling the spillover of zoonotic disease from animals to humans. Gaining a better understanding of the mechanisms that drive spillover will allow us to assess the risk of spillover events occurring, determine where these events occur, and work to prevent future spillover events.