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Staff photo Elaheh Lotfi Kalahroodi

Elaheh Lotfi Kalahroodi

Biogeochemical processes of trace metals, isotopic geochemistry




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Affiliated as postdoctoral position at Department of Chemistry

My research is focused on the speciation of contaminants (trace metals) in the environment, and more specifically their interaction with organic and/or natural mineral colloids. I study the controlling factors as the physicochemical conditions (pH, light, redox conditions, complexation, sorption ...) on isotope fractionation of stable non-traditional isotopes. I'm interested in mechanisms elucidation of biogeochemical processes through isotopic fractionation. In this project, we aim to evaluate and optimize a methodology to trace and quantify the spread of Hg from contaminated sediment sites to surrounding sediment and pelagic and benthic biota using Hg stable isotope measurements.

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