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Staff photo Daniel Movilla Vega

Daniel Movilla Vega

Associate Professor in Architecture.

Works at

Associate professor at Umeå School of Architecture
Arkitekthögskolan, Östra Strandgatan 30c Umeå universitet, Arkitekthögskolan, SE-90187 Umeå

I am an Associate Professor in Architecture at Umeå School of Architecture, Umeå University, Sweden, since 2018. At the department, I chair the research group for Swedish Housing Studies, and I am responsible for the design studio Radical Domesticities at the master's programme.
My research focuses on housing and the architecture of domestic space. It relates to the fields of architectural design, architectural history and theory, and critical studies. My research projects deal with housing standards, dwelling types, social and environmental sustainability, and housing research history. This includes, for example, studies on the quality of Swedish residential architecture within the framework of the current municipal housing supply programmes and its connection to housing standards. I have also been looking into the role that housing research has played in the development and transformation of dwelling types and residential rooms in Sweden, with a special focus on the interdependency between spatial configuration, tectonics, and material culture. Finally, I have been working with case studies, archival sources, and theoretical references to investigate various modes of conceptualization, construction, and representation of the architecture of the Swedish home. 
Before coming to Umeå, I was a postdoctoral research fellow in Architecture at LTU in Sweden (2017-2018), researcher at Madrid School of Architecture (2008-2012), and visiting researcher at TU Delft (2012-2013), Columbia University (2013-2014), MARKhI (2014), FAU-USP (2015), NTNU (2016), and ArkDes (2016-2017). I graduated as an architect at the Technical University of Madrid, where I also earned my PhD in Architecture. My dissertation Housing and Revolution, focused on constructivist’s research on experimental dwelling types, received the Award for Outstanding Doctorate 2015-2016. 
In 2017, I published the book 99 Years of the Housing Question in Sweden (Studentlitteratur), based on an ArkDes exhibition curated by Dan Hallemar. The theme issue “The Housing Question of Tomorrow”, edited together with Ola Nylander, was published in the journal Nordic Journal of Architectural Research in 2021. Peer-reviewed articles include “Handbook, Standard, Room: The Prescription of Residential Room Types in Sweden between 1942 and 2023” on Urban Planning (2024), “The Great Domestic Experiment: Housing research laboratories in Sweden between 1937 and 1957” on Delft Architectural Studies on Housing, DASH (2022), or “Housing and Revolution: From the Dom-Kommuna to the Transitional Type of Experimental House” on Architectural Histories (2020).

Ageing in a transforming world
Andersson, Katarina; Högström, Ebba; Nord, Catharina; et al.
Urban Planning, Cogitatio 2024, Vol. 9
Movilla Vega, Daniel; Juan Liñán, Lluis
Symposium of Urban Design History and Theory : 62-62
Movilla Vega, Daniel; Juan Linan, Lluis
International Conference on the Home, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 10-11, 2022
Movilla Vega, Daniel
The new urban condition: criticism and theory from architecture and urbanism, Routledge 2021 : 266-284
Espegel, Carmen; Movilla Vega, Daniel
Critic|all: IV International Conference on Architectural Design and Criticism, São Paulo: Criticall 2021 : 415-423
Movilla Vega, Daniel; Barquero Campana, Esperanza
DASH (Delft Architectural Studies on Housing), Delft: 2021, (16) : 16-27
Movilla Vega, Daniel; Campaña, Esperanza
Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, 2021:3
Movilla Vega, Daniel; Nylander, Ola; Rönn, Magnus
Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, sintef akademisk forlag 2021, Vol. 3 : 5-12
Movilla Vega, Daniel; Nylander, Ola; Rönn, Magnus
Optimistic Suburbia II — Middle-class large housing complexes, Lisbon, Portugal, June 16-18, 2021
Pota, Grazia; Movilla Vega, Daniel; Campaña, Esperanza
ZARCH, Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza 2020, Vol. 14 : 86-99
Campana Barquero, Esperanza M.; Movilla Vega, Daniel
Architectural Histories, Ubiquity Press 2020, Vol. 8, (1)
Movilla Vega, Daniel
Affordable housing. the 20th century legacy: Learning from the past. What future? Challenges and Opportunities: International congress. Book of abstracts, Porto: University of Porto 2019 : 67-73
Movilla Vega, Daniel
Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury, Warszawa: Polish Academy of Sciences 2018, Vol. 176 : 177-196
Movilla Vega, Daniel; Sotoca, Adolfo; Gyurkovich, Mateusz
Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2017
Movilla Vega, Daniel
99 years of the housing question in Sweden, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2017 : 15-61
Movilla Vega, Daniel

Research projects

15 June 2022
1 January 2022 until 31 December 2027

Studio 11: Radical Domesticities - Master's programme in Architecture and Urban Design

  • Synthesis course 1: Architecture and Urban Design Project, Positioning [5AR420]
  • Synthesis course 2: Architecture and Urban Design Project, Resolution [5AR423]
  • Synthesis course 3: Preparatory Architecture and Urban Design Project for Master's Thesis [5AR525]
  • Master's Thesis, Master of Fine Arts in Architecture and Urban Design [5AR522]