I came to EMG in 2020 after a several years as a lecturer at Lund Iniversity, and before that at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Umeå. My research is very diverse but the unifying theme is my underlying interest in the interactions between climate, biogeochemical cycles and plant and animal communities. Key strands of previous and ongoing research are:
1. Global Patterns of Tropical Forest Carbon Cycling.
2. Herbivore Impacts on Ecosystem Biogeochemistry.
3. Role of Fire in Boreal Forest Processes.
4. Carbon-Nitrogen Interactions in Boreal Forest.
5. Climate change impacts on tropical montane cloud forests (see the cloud curtain project webpage)
My publication outputs are summarized below, for more detail see my Google Scholar profile. If you want to contact me use my email or office phone (+46 46 222 86 97).