I'm working with research on how high temperatures and air pollution can affect our health and who are most vulnerable. I'm also looking at how this could change as the climate is changing.
My research is about how people are affected by their surrounding environment. High temperatures and air pollution affect the risk of becoming ill and, in the worst case, dying prematurely. I investigate how high temperatures affect us as a population but also how different diseases and drug usage change how an individual can handle a heat wave. Understanding this is of great importance and will help us to adapt to a future with elevated temperatures and also the increase in the number as well as the intensity of heat waves that come with a warmer climate.
I have also looked at how air pollution affects our health. Air pollution increases the risk of morbidity in the same groups that are vulnerable during a heat wave. This is important if you want to prevent morbidity in the population in general. I have also studied how air pollution affects the risk of complications during pregnancy.
My research is strongly linked to the work that takes place at the Swedish Public Health Agency, where I, together with colleagues, have contributed to the knowledge base on the health effects of high temperatures. The work has also provided support for ongoing activities at the Swedish Public Health Agency, which monitors the mortality of the population. Within the framework of my research, I have also been a support for SMHI in the development of the heatwave early warning system used in Sweden.
My research has also given me the opportunity to participate in major international research collaborations and mainly in the Multi-Country Multi-City (MCC) Collaborative Research Network.