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Staff photo Christian Kammler

Christian Kammler

I am a PhD researcher in the Socially aware AI group. We are an interdisciplinary research group working on the social aspects of AI. I focus on social simulations.



Works at

Affiliated as research student at Department of Computing Science
MIT-huset, Umeå universitet, MIT.B.264 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I am working on modelling social reality for social simulations in the research group Socially aware AI. In particular, I am integrating different perspectives on norms into social simulations. Therefore, I am currently working on a new architecture for agents that can take different perspectives into account. Furhtermore, I am working on the user side to enable the users of the simulation to be active in the modelling process.

A big project I have worked on with our research group is the ASSOCC (Agent-based Social Simulation of the Coronavirus Crisis) project. Within this project, we developed a social simulation to simulate different policis and interventions to combat the crisis. We were able to support several policy makers, published a book, and had a notable media outreach in several newspapers and swedish television.

Advances in social simulation: proceedings of the 18th social simulation conference, Glasgow, UK, 4–8 september 2023, Cham: Springer Nature 2024 : 163-176
Kammler, Christian; Dignum, Frank; Wijermans, Nanda
Advances in social simulation: Proceedings of the 17th Social Simulation Conference, European Social Simulation Association, Cham: Springer 2023 : 193-205
Kammler, Christian; Dignum, Frank; Wijermans, Nanda
Multi-agent-based simulation XXIII: 23rd International Workshop, MABS 2022, virtual event, May 8-9, 2022: Revised selected papers, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2023 : 134-146
Kammler, Christian; Mellema, Rene; Dignum, Frank
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XXII: 22nd International Workshop, MABS 2021, Virtual Event, May 3-7, 2021, Revised Selected Papers, Springer 2022 : 139-152
Kammler, Christian; Dignum, Frank; Wijermans, Nanda; et al.
JASSS: Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, University of Surrey 2022, Vol. 25, (3)
Kreulen, Kurt; de Bruin, Bart; Ghorbani, Amineh; et al.
Social simulation for a crisis: results and lessons from simulating the COVID-19 crisis, Cham: Springer Nature 2021 : 39-84
Jensen, Maarten; Vanhée, Loïs; Kammler, Christian
Minds and Machines, Springer 2020, Vol. 30, (2) : 177-194
Dignum, Frank; Dignum, Virginia; Davidsson, Paul; et al.
AI for Social Good workshop: accepted papers
Kammler, Christian; Onnes, Annet; Vanhée, Loïs; et al.

Research groups

Group member

Research projects

1 February 2020 until 1 February 2024