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Staff photo Christer Nordlund

Christer Nordlund

Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Professor of History of Science and Ideas.

Research qualifications: Docent


Works as

Professor at Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies Section: History of Science and Ideas
A, Humanisthuset, HUM.K.138 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Affiliated as professor at Faculty Office of Arts and Humanities
Förvaltningshuset, östra flygeln, plan 4, Umeå universitet, Universitetstorget Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

Christer Nordlund is Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Professor of History of Science and Ideas. He is studying the cultural, material and intellectual history of science, technology, medicine, and the environment from ca. 1700 onward, mainly in a Scandinavian context. His research has been focused on three subjects: the history of the field sciences, i.e. geology, plant geography, ecology, archaeology, and field institutions; the history of endocrinology and the links between life science, medicine and industry; and environmental history, i.e. the co-construction of environmental science, environmental politics, and environmental problems. He has also taken an interest in current science policy and theories of research organization, cooperation, and creativity.

Nordlund received his Ph.D. in the History of Science and Ideas at Umeå University in 2001. He was appointed Assistant Professor in 2002, Senior Lecturer in 2004, Associate Professor in 2005, and Professor in 2010. He was associated with the Swedish Research Council in 2002; was a Visiting Rausing Scholar at the Office for History of Science, Uppsala University in 2003; a Visiting STINT scholar at the Department of the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, and a Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall, in 2004; a Visiting Fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS) in Uppsala in 2007 and 2011; and a Visiting Scholar at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) in Berlin 2010–2011. He was "Torgny Segerstedt Scholar" within the framework of the research program Pro Futura Scientia 2007–2014. In 2008, Nordlund was awarded a "Young Researcher Award" from Umeå University.

At the Faculty of Arts, Nordlund has been responsible for coordinating the multidisciplinary research field Umeå Studies in Science, Technology and Environment (USSTE). He has directed three interdisciplinary research projects, one on the history of bio fuels called "The Fuel of the Future" (Formas), one on the history of forestry and forest science, which was part of the research program "Future Forests" (Mistra), and one on the new gene technology Crispr/Cas9 and its ethical challanges (MAW).

In addition to a number of articles and reviews in scholarly journals such as Annals of Science, British Journal for the History of Science, Earth Sciences HistoryEnvironment and History, History and TechnologyIsis, Journal of Northern StudiesLychnos, and Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Nordlund has published the books Kamerajägaren (co-ed. 2010), Hormones of Life (2011), Motorspriten kommer! (co-author. 2014) and Understanding Field Science Institutions (co-ed. 2017), and the popular books Vägar till vetenskapen (ed. 2013), Vetandets världar (2019) and Ingen självklarhet (co-ed. 2020). Together with Madeleine Hayenhjelm he has published the book The Risks and Ethics of Human Gene Editing: A Philosophical Guide to the Arguments (2025).

Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; Member of the Royal Skyttean Society; member of International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences (INHIGEO); member of Editorial Board of the year book Lychnos; Life Member of Clare Hall college in Cambridge. Former member of the Young Academy of Sweden.

Nordlund is frequently engaged in review work for national and international universities, research funding bodies, and journals.

Technikzukünfte, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / Futures of Technology, Science and Society
Hayenhjelm, Madeleine; Nordlund, Christer
Svenska Dagbladet, (2025-01-11)
Nordlund, Christer
Västerbotten förr & nu, Västerbotten förr & nu 2025, Vol. 2025-02-01
Nordlund, Christer
Vad vi talar om när vi talar om klimakteriet: Humanistiska och genusvetenskapliga perspektiv på övergångsåldern, Göteborg; Stockholm: Makadam Förlag 2025 : 27-55
Nordlund, Christer; Björkstén, Ulrika
Thule: Kungl. Skytteanska samfundets årsbok 2024, Umeå: Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundet 2024 : 9-16
Mårald, Erland; Nordlund, Christer
Västerbottens-Kuriren, (2024-01-08)
Nordlund, Christer
Oppenheimer, Stockholm: Fri tanke 2024 : 9-13
Nordlund, Christer
Västerbottens-Kuriren, (2024-02-12)
Nordlund, Christer; Johansson Falck, Marlene
Umeå: Umeå universitet 2023
Arvidsson, Alf; Edlund, Lars-Erik; Lindholm, Elena; et al.
Humaniora: om humanistiska fakulteten vid Umeå universitet, Umeå: Umeå University 2023 : 51-54
Nordlund, Christer
Humaniora: om humanistiska fakulteten vid Umeå universitet, Umeå: Umeå University 2023 : 185-190
Nordlund, Christer
Humaniora: om humanistiska fakulteten vid Umeå universitet, Umeå: Umeå University 2023 : 12-40
Nordlund, Christer
Humaniora: om humanistiska fakulteten vid Umeå universitet, Umeå: Umeå University 2023 : 172-177
Nordlund, Christer
Kungl. Skytteanska samfundets handlingar: Acta Regiae Societatis Skytteanae, 90
Edlund, Lars-Erik; Nordlund, Christer
IUGS E-Bulletin, International Union of Geological Sciences 2022, (192) : 1-5
Nordlund, Christer
Som en påminnelse om tidens gång: om landhöjningens natur och kultur kring Bottniska viken, Umeå ; Vasa: Kungl. Skytteanska samfundet ; Svensk-Österbottniska samfundet 2022 : 144-162
Nordlund, Christer
Sans, Fri Tanke 2022, Vol. 12, (3) : 52-56
Nordlund, Christer
Människan i centrum: nio röster om humaniora, Karlstad: Votum förlag 2022 : 39-55
Nordlund, Christer; Widmaln, Sven
Forskardrömmar: berättelser för nyfikna barn, Stockholm: Fri tanke 2021 : 134-137
Nordlund, Christer
Umeå: Bokförlaget h:ström - Text & Kultur 2020
Hjelm, Jonny; Nordlund, Christer
Ingen självklarhet: om demokratins framväxt och utmaningar, Umeå: Bokförlaget h:ström - Text & Kultur 2020 : 10-24
Hjelm, Jonny; Nordlund, Christer
Environment and History, Isle of Harris: White Horse Press 2020, Vol. 26, (4) : 495-520
Mårald, Erland; Nordlund, Christer
Lychnos, Lärdomshistoriska samfundet 2020 : 271-277
Nordlund, Christer
Humanimalt: oss djur emellan i medicin och samhälle förr och nu, Malmköping: Exempla förlag 2020 : 95-99
Nordlund, Christer
Dagens Nyheter
Adman, Per; Bergquist, Ann-Kristin; Bonnedahl, Karl Johan; et al.
Women in their element: selected women's contributions to the periodic system, Singapore: World Scientific 2019 : 134-144
Espmark, Kristina; Nordlund, Christer
Västerbottens-Kuriren, Stiftelsen VK-Press 2019 : 38-39
Nordlund, Christer
Serie Akademi
Nordlund, Christer
Västerbottens-Kuriren : 22-23
Nordlund, Christer
OKNYTT. Tidskrift för Johan Nordlander-sällskapet, Umeå: Johan Nordlander-sällskapet 2019, (1-2) : 44-61
Nordlund, Christer; Sörlin, Sverker
Arche - tidskrift för psykoanalys, humaniora och arkitektur, Göteborg: Freudianska föreningen 2018, (64-65) : 146-159
Ambjörnsson, Ronny; Elzinga, Aant; Nordlund, Christer; et al.
Kunskap i rörelse: Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien och skapandet av det moderna samhället, Göteborg & Stockholm: Makadam Förlag 2018 : 532-537
Nordlund, Christer
Kunskap i rörelse: Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien och skapandet av det moderna samhället, Göteborg & Stockholm: Makadam Förlag 2018 : 582-587
Nordlund, Christer
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, Springer 2018, Vol. 27 : 311-317
Nordlund, Christer
Nordlund, Christer
Knowledge in motion: The Royal Swedish Academy and the making of modern society, Göteborg: Makadam Förlag 2018 : 513-518
Nordlund, Christer
Knowledge in motion: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the making om modern society, Göteborg: Makadam Förlag 2018 : 582-587
Nordlund, Christer
Kunskap i rörelse: Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien och skapandet av det moderna samhället, Göteborg & Malmö: Makadam Förlag 2018 : 513-518
Nordlund, Christer
Knowledge in motion: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the making of modern society, Göteborg: Makadam Förlag 2018 : 532-537
Nordlund, Christer
Från King Alfred till grangenomet: 50 år av växtforskning i Umeå 1967–2017, Umeå: Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundet 2018 : 9-48
Nordlund, Christer
Thule: Kungl. Skytteanska samfundets Årsbok 2018, Umeå: Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundet 2018 : 161-168
Nordlund, Christer; Sörlin, Sverker
Sagamore Beach, MA: Science History Publications 2017
Ekerholm, Helena; Grandin, Karl; Nordlund, Christer; et al.
Understanding field science institutions, Sagamore Beach, MA: Science History Publications Ltd. 2017 : 1-12
Ekerholm, Helena; Grandin, Karl; Nordlund, Christer; et al.
Respons : recensionstidskrift för humaniora & samhällsvetenskap, (4)
Nordlund, Christer
RIG: Kulturhistorisk tidskrift, Föreningen för Svensk Kulturhistoria 2016, Vol. 99, (1) : 1-13
Mårald, Erland; Nordlund, Christer
Nordlund, Christer
Respons : recensionstidskrift för humaniora & samhällsvetenskap, (1) : 38-40
Nordlund, Christer
Kulturella perspektiv - Svensk etnologisk tidskrift, Umeå: Föreningen Kulturella perspektiv 2016, Vol. 25, (1) : 2-7
Nordlund, Christer

Research groups

Group member

Research projects

1 July 2007 until 31 December 2010
1 January 2007 until 31 December 2014