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Staff photo Chenxin Feng

Chenxin Feng

I'm a soil ecologist with a strong focus on priming effect.



Works at

CIRC, Abisko Naturvetenskapliga Station, Vetenskapens väg 38, Abisko Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I'm a soil ecologist specialising in soil carbon and nitrogen processes in subarctic ecosystems.

In the high latitude ecosystems,  the pronounced seasonal variations, especially the stark summer-winter contrasts, influence both the above-ground and below-ground worlds. And I'm passionate about investigating how the seasonality shapes the soil carbon priming effect and gross N mineralisation, and ultimately, how these processes influence the N competition between plants and soils. My research approach integrates field-based and garden-manipulation studies with controlled laboratory experiments, utilising 13C and 15N isotopic labelling techniques to track carbon and nitrogen fluxes in situ and under manipulated conditions.

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Group member