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Charlotte Engman

Resarching museums, heritage and (de)coloniality and teaching ethnographic methods, ethnic diversity and museum education.

Works as

Postdoctoral fellow at Department of Culture and Media Studies Section: -
Humanisthuset, Biblioteksgränd 3 (huvudentré) Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I am a culture analyst, doctor in Ethnology and postdoc in Museology, focusing culture and processes of democracy. My research interests concerns museums, democracy, heritage, colonialism and decoloniality, as I have researched in my dissertation in Ethnology.

One of my present research projects concerns museum eduaction and hate, threats and violence in museums. In the project, I focus on Swedish museum educators' experiences of and ideas about hate, threats and violence in the encounter with visitors, and how those experiences and ideas relate to the idea of the museum as one of the central arenas of democracy.

In a different project, I examine archive materials preserved from Swedish travellers who took service in the Congo Free State around 1880-1910. Focusing on relations between Swedes and local inhabitants of the Free State, a research interest is how fiction and art can be used as alternative pathways of scientific interpretation and presentation.

Teori som metod, Umeå: Umeå universitet 2022 : 29-47
Engman, Charlotte
Kulturella perspektiv - Svensk etnologisk tidskrift, Umeå: Föreningen Kulturella Perspektiv, Umeå universitet 2020, (3) : 7-17
Engman, Charlotte

I teach in Ethnology and Museology and their connected programmes and courses at Umeå University, but I am also a guest teacher in other universities. My teaching mainly includes ethnographic methods, norm criticism, museum education, ethnic diversity and supervision.