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Staff photo Charlotta Svonni

Charlotta Svonni

Charlotta Svonni is a doctor in history and education with a focus on Sámi and Indigenous education.


Works at

Postdoctoral fellow at Várdduo-Centre för Sámi Research
YA, Norra Beteendevetarhuset, 4 tr Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

My name is Charlotta Svonni, I have a PhD in history and education. My research has a focus on Sámi education in both history and the present. More specifically, I have researched curricula and syllabi for nomad school, Sami school and primary school. I am also involved in indigenous education in an international perspective. I work at Várdduo - Center for Sami research. I am also affiliated to Arcum - Arctic Centre. All at Umeå University.

Vägval i skolans historia, Uppsala: Föreningen för svensk undervisningshistoria 2024, (2)
Spjut, Lina; Svonni, Charlotta
Umeå studies in history and education, 27
Svonni, Charlotta
Nordic Journal of Educational History, Umeå: Umeå University 2023, Vol. 10, (1) : 115-143
Svonni, Charlotta
Paedagogica historica, Routledge 2023, Vol. 59, (5) : 799-817
Svonni, Charlotta
History education at the edge of the nation: political autonomy, educational reforms, and memory-shaping in European periphery, Palgrave Macmillan 2023 : 125-147
Svonni, Charlotta; Spjut, Lina
Norrländska Socialdemokraten
Sehlin MacNeil, Kristina; Svonni, Charlotta; Össbo, Åsa
Banbrytande ledare och forskare: vänbok till Lars Thomasson, Umeå: Vaartoe - Centrum för samisk forskning, Umeå universitet 2018 : 63-79
Svonni, Charlotta
Aktum, Umeå: Umeå Universitet 2017, (1) : 24-24
Svonni, Charlotta
Samisk kamp: kulturförmedling och rättviserörelse, Umeå: Bokförlaget h:ström - Text & Kultur 2017 : 223-251
Svonni, Charlotta
World policy journal, Duke University Press 2017, Vol. 34, (4) : 20-23
Svonni, Charlotta
Dagens Nyheter
Allard, Christina; Axelsson, Per; Brännlund, Isabelle; et al.
Creative Education, Scientific Research Publishing 2015, Vol. 6, (9) : 898-906
Svonni, Charlotta

Research groups

Group member