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Staff photo Cecilia Stenling

Cecilia Stenling

My teaching, supervision and research is focused on organising, organisations and governance, particularly within the context of sport, but also in the general working-life. 

Research qualifications: Docent

Works at

Associate professor at Department of Education
Hus Y, Beteendevetarhuset Umeå universitet, Mediagränd 14, Beteendevetarhuset, 901 87 Umeå

In 2015 I gained my Ph.D. from the Department of Education, Umeå University, and since 2016 I work as a senior lecturer at the department. 

My reserach interest is in the processes that take place in the nexus between public sport policy and the norms, values and practices that characterize sport's internal organising and governance. The rationale for this interest is the consequences these processes have for what is considered legitimate sport activities and for patterns of power and influence within and outside sport. I am particularly focused on sport's own legitimacy making activities, for example the creation of 'alternative' sport activities, the politicis, policy and implementation of board gender quotas, strategic change, and public sport policy advocacy, and on the sport-internal and -external consequences of these activities. 

At the moment, my reserach interests are explored in four research projects:

1. Gatekeeping sport governance: the (re)production of (mis)representation in board nomination processes

The purpose of the project is to create knowledge on how nomination committees' work impact on National Sport Organisations' board composition. The project is carried out together with Josef Fahlén and it is funded by the Swedish Reserach Council for Sport Science and Umeå School of Sport Sciences.

2. Exploring negotiations between member needs and external expectations in sport club boardrooms

The purpose of the poject is to create knowledge on how sport club boards create and negotiate meaning around the conflicting expectations that emanate from clubs' internal and external context. The project is carried out together with Josef Fahlén and it is funded by the Swedish Research Council for Sport Science and Umeå School of Sport Sciences.

3. Legitimizing transformational change: sport consultants' role in the implementation of strategy 2025

The purpose of the project is to create knowledge on how sport development consultants legitimize the implementation of Strategy 2025 (Swedish organised sport's latest and wide-ranging strategic change) to sport clubs. The project is carried out together with Josef Fahlén and it is funded by the Swedish Research Council for Sport Science and Umeå School of Sport Sciences.

4. Making the case for organized sport: the construction of legitimizing accounts in public sport policy advocacy processes

The purpose of the project is to create knowledge on how, why, and with what sport-internal transformative effects regional sport federations conducte public policy advocacy. The project is funded by the Swedish Reserach Council's international post-doc grant, which means that I live in New Zeland where i work at the Centre for Sport Policy and Politics, School of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Otago.

I teach courses on, for example, public sport policy, organisation theory, project mangement, human resource development, and qualitative reserach methods. I also supervise at the bachelor-, masters-, and PhD-levels. 

More about the research area Sport Science
More about the research area Leadership, organisation, and working life

Sport in Society: Cultures, Media, Politics, Commerce, Routledge 2024, Vol. 27, (7) : 983-1003
Ehnold, Peter; Jarck, Henning; Doherty, Alison; et al.
Sport, Education and Society
Renström, Anna; Stenling, Cecilia; Fahlén, Josef
Sport in Society: Cultures, Media, Politics, Commerce, Routledge 2024, Vol. 27, (12) : 1994-2013
Skille, Eivind Å.; Strittmatter, Anna-Maria; Stenling, Cecilia; et al.
International Review for the Sociology of Sport
Stenling, Cecilia; Fahlén, Josef; Sam, Michael; et al.
Young - Nordic Journal of Youth Research, Sage Publications 2024, Vol. 32, (4) : 360-377
Strittmatter, Anna-Maria; Skille, Eivind Å.; Stenling, Cecilia; et al.
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Routledge 2024, Vol. 16, (3) : 449-463
Strittmatter, Anna-Maria; Stenling, Cecilia; Skille, Eivind; et al.
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Sage Publications 2023, Vol. 58, (5) : 829-849
Sam, Michael; Stenling, Cecilia; Tak, Minhyeok
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Sage Publications 2023, Vol. 58, (8) : 1263-1281
Skille, Eivind Å.; Strittmatter, Anna-Maria; Stenling, Cecilia; et al.
European Sport Management Quarterly, Routledge 2023, Vol. 23, (2) : 586-603
Stenling, Cecilia; Fahlén, Josef; Strittmatter, Anna-Maria; et al.
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Sage Publications 2023, Vol. 58, (1) : 108-125
Stenling, Cecilia; Fahlén, Josef; Strittmatter, Anna-Maria; et al.
Stakeholder analysis and sport organisation, Abingdon: Routledge 2022 : 68-86
Fahlén, Josef; Stenling, Cecilia
2022 EASS & ISSA World congress of sociology of sport: Why does sociology matter? The role of sport sociology in interdisciplinary research: Book of abstracts
Sam, Mike; Stenling, Cecilia; Tak, Minhyeok
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Sage Publications 2022, Vol. 57, (1) : 112-128
Skille, Eivind Å.; Fahlén, Josef; Stenling, Cecilia; et al.
European Sport Management Quarterly, Routledge 2022, Vol. 22, (5) : 643-662
Stenling, Cecilia; Fahlén, Josef
2022 EASS & ISSA World congress of sociology of sport: Why does sociology matter? The role of sport sociology in interdisciplinary research: Book of abstracts
Stenling, Cecilia; Fahlén, Josef
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Taylor & Francis Group 2021, Vol. 13, (1) : 29-43
Dawbin, Timothy M.; Sam, Michael P.; Stenling, Cecilia
Idrottens kraft?: ungas livsvillkor och ojämlikhetens problem i en segregerad stad, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2021 : 91-116
Ekholm, David; Fahlén, Josef; Stenling, Cecilia
Idrottens kraft?: ungas livsvillkor och ojämlikhetens problem i en segregerad stad, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2021 : 149-173
Holmlid, Stefan; Fahlén, Josef; Stenling, Cecilia; et al.
Idrett, kjønn og ledelse: festskrift til Jorid Hovden, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2021 : 306-322
Skille, Eivind Å.; Fahlén, Josef; Stenling, Cecilia; et al.
European Journal for Sport and Society, Taylor & Francis 2021, Vol. 18, (2) : 168-186
Stenling, Cecilia; Fahlén, Josef
Research handbook on nonprofit governance, Edward Elgar Publishing 2021 : 279-293
Stenling, Cecilia; Fahlén, Josef; Strittmatter, Anna-Maria; et al.
Sport management, del 2: Styrning och samhällsengagemang inom svensk idrott, Stockholm: SISU idrottsböcker 2020 : 38-59
Fahlén, Josef; Stenling, Cecilia
Sport, Alcohol and Social Inquiry: A Global Cocktail, Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2020 : 131-145
Stenling, Cecilia; Fahlén, Josef
European Sport Management Quarterly, Routledge 2020, Vol. 20, (5) : 636-654
Stenling, Cecilia; Fahlén, Josef; Strittmatter, Ann-Maria; et al.
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Routledge 2020, Vol. 12, (4) : 583-598
Stenling, Cecilia; Sam, Michael
Sociology of Sport Journal, Human Kinetics 2020, Vol. 37, (4) : 319-327
Stenling, Cecilia; Sam, Michael
European Sport Management Quarterly, Routledge 2020, Vol. 20, (5) : 577-597
Stenling, Cecilia; Sam, Michael
European Sport Management Quarterly, Routledge 2019, Vol. 19, (2) : 265-285
Fahlén, Josef; Stenling, Cecilia
Book of Abstracts for the 27th European Sport Management Conference : 187-188
Fahlén, Josef; Stenling, Cecilia
The European Association for Sociology of Sports (EASS) conference, Bø, Norway, May 18-21, 2019
Fahlén, Josef; Stenling, Cecilia
Book of Abstracts 2019 International Sociology of Sport Conference, University of Otago 2019 : 18-18
Fahlén, Josef; Stenling, Cecilia; Skille, Eivind Å.; et al.
Journal of Athlete Development and Experience, Arkansas, USA: Bowling Green State University 2019, Vol. 1, (3) : 130-143
Renström, Anna; Stenling, Cecilia
Book of Abstracts for the World Congress of Sociology of Sport 2019 : 19-19
Skille, Eivind Å.; Fahlén, Josef; Stenling, Cecilia; et al.
Sports and the Environment - Policies, Values and Sustainability
Stenling, Cecilia
Idrotten och (o)jämlikheten: i medlemmarnas eller samhällets intresse?, Stockholm: Centrum för idrottsforskning 2019 : 151-165
Stenling, Cecilia; Fahlén, Josef
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Routledge 2019, Vol. 11, (3) : 447-463
Stenling, Cecilia; Sam, Mike
ISSA 2018 Abstracts: The 2018 annual conference international sociology of sport association, Lausanne: Lausanne University 2018 : 18-18
Fahlén, Josef; Stenling, Cecilia
ISSA 2018 Abstracts: The 2018 annual conference international sociology of sport association
Sam, Mike; Stenling, Cecilia
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Sage Publications 2018, Vol. 53, (7) : 837-853
Skille, Eivind; Stenling, Cecilia
Bordeaux: EASS 2018
Stenling, Cecilia; Fahlén, Josef; Strittmatter, Anna-Maria; et al.
Book of abstracts: Sport, Discriminations and Inclusion: Challenges to Face, Bordeaux: EASS 2018 : 104-104
Stenling, Cecilia; Sam, Mike
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Routledge 2018, Vol. 10, (4) : 621-635
Strittmatter, Anna-Maria; Stenling, Cecilia; Fahlén, Josef; et al.
Studies in Continuing Education, Routledge 2017, Vol. 39, (3) : 371-387
Lindberg, Ola; Rantatalo, Oscar; Stenling, Cecilia
The Routledge handbook of talent identification and development in sport, Oxon: Routledge 2017 : 455-465
Skille, Eivind Åsrum; Stenling, Cecilia; Fahlén, Josef
Svensk Idrottsforskning: Organ för Centrum för Idrottsforskning
Stenling, Cecilia; Fahlén, Josef
The Values of Sport: Between tradition and (post)modernity: Abstract book, Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University, F 2017 : 54-55
Stenling, Cecilia; Fahlén, Josef