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Staff photo Benedita Kaç Labbé Feron

Benedita Kaç Labbé Feron

ESCRT-mediated membrane repair in response to lysosomal damage and migrasome biology.



Works at

Affiliated as postdoctoral position at Department of Chemistry
KBC-huset (KB), Linnaeus väg 10, KB.A4(A4-35-01) Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

Benedita is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Professor Yaowen Wu lab. Her research focuses on two areas: (1) ESCRT-mediated membrane repair in response to lysosomal damage, and (2) migrasome biology, through a collaborative project with Professor Li Yu at Tsinghua University in China.

Benedita earned her PhD in 2023 from the University of Greenwich, UK, specialising in Membrane Trafficking and Drug Delivery. During her doctoral research, she co-invented a patented non-viral, exosome-based biologics delivery platform modelled on the trafficking of recombinant attenuated anthrax toxin. This platform was designed for the cytosolic delivery of siRNA, ASOs, and SaCas9, with potential therapeutic applications.

In 2019, Benedita graduated with First Class Honours in Biomedical Science from the University of Greenwich, earning several prestigious awards, including the Best Project in Bioscience from the Royal Society of Biology and the Inspiring Researcher Award from Greenwich University Enterprise Ltd

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