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Staff photo Anu-Riina Svenlin

Anu-Riina Svenlin

Post doc researcher at the department of social work 2022-2023. In my post doc-project I focus on evaluation of social work and especially the use of CAIMeR-theory (Blom & Morén 2019). 

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Affiliated as other position at Department of Social Work
Samhällsvetarhuset, plan 5, Biblioteksgränd 4 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Evaluation reports - Umeå Centre for Evaluation Research
Svenlin, Anu-Riina; Blom, Björn; Blom-Nilsson, Marcus; et al.
Nordic Social Work Research, Routledge 2023, Vol. 13, (1) : 1-3
Allgurin, Monika; Anand, Janet Carter; Gubrium, Erika; et al.
FORSA 2023 Conference – Social work in changing times- challenges and new opportunities. Bodø, Norway, June 14-16, 2023
Blom, Björn; Svenlin, Anu-Riina; Grahn, Robert; et al.
Barn, Trondheim: Norsk senter for barneforskning 2023, Vol. 41, (2–3) : 74-89
Moilanen, Johanna; Lehto-Lundén, Tiina; Jägervi, Lotta; et al.
FORSA 2023 Conference – Social work in changing times- challenges and new opportunities. Bodø, Norway, June 14-16, 2023
Snellman, Marie-Louise; Svenlin, Anu-Riina; Burén, Linda; et al.
Adoption & Fostering: The Quarterly Journal of British Agencies for Adoption & Fostering, Sage Publications 2023, Vol. 47, (2) : 138-156
Svenlin, Anu-Riina; Lehto-Lundén, Tiina
Nordic Social Work Research, Routledge 2023, Vol. 13, (2) : 175-175
Thoresen, Stian H.; Allgurin, Monika; Gubrium, Erika; et al.
Nordic Social Work Research, Routledge 2022, Vol. 12, (1) : 1-4
Thoresen, Stian H.; Anand, Janet Carter; Gubrium, Erika; et al.