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Staff photo Annika Johansson

Annika Johansson

Senior Lecturer at the Unit of Police Work Unit, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor, Recognized and Distinguished teacher based on Umeå University's educational merit system

Educational qualifications: Distinguished university teacher

Works at

Associate professor at Unit of Police Work
Beteendevetarhuset (BET), Vindarnas torg 1, 3:D2:3 Umeå universitet, Gods F, 907 36 Umeå

I work as a senior lecturer at the Unit for Police Work at Umeå University. Most of my teaching on the undergraduate programme is within the course Group Processes and Police Professional Culture and within the Mental Knowledge Area (MKO) in Police Conflict Management Program (Polkon). On the master's programme in Police Work, I am responsible for the course Police Organisation and Governance. I am "Recognized" and "Distinguished teacher" based on Umeå University's educational merit system

I also work in various projects, the latest of which is to develop a training programme for exercise leaders on behalf of the County Administrative Board of Västerbotten. An education for leaders of emergency/crises management exercise within the Police Authority, ambulance, rescue services, municipalities, regions, etc. A previous major project was an EU project, MELODY, with ten partner organisations from nine different countries. The MELODY project developed and disseminated a curriculum for CBRN training, based on the self-perceived needs and deficiencies of active emergency and medical personnel. The aim was to develop a curriculum and training programme for first responders and first receivers to handle and collaborate in CBRN incidents, thereby strengthening the overall preparedness against CBRN threats across the EU. My team worked mainly on the evaluation and validation of the curriculum and training programme (www.melodytraining.eu). I am co-supervisor to a PhD student Brian McGuigan (Department of Psychology) who is researching decision-making in police situations.

During the years 2003 - 2020, I was employed at the Department of Education at Umeå University but also worked at the Unit for Police Work, but since 2020 I am employed full-time by the Unit for Police Work. At the Department of Education, my teaching was mainly in areas of leadership & coaching, organsiation & governance and project management in the field of sports pedagogy. In my research, I have studied measurements and assessments in sports, selections for elite teams, young people who quit sports and association development. During the years 2014 - 2020 I was programme manager for the Sports Science programme.  Sport Science program/Idrottsvetenskapliga programmet.

2001 I graduated with my licentiate thesis "Is it always the right person who wins? Reliability and validity of assessments in the assessment sports of acroski and rhythmic gymnastics" and then in 2008-2010 I wrote my doctoral dissertation "Deciding who is the best. Validity issues in selections and judgements in elite sport".

With a background as an elite athlete in the Swedish Freestyle Team (1991- 2001) my interest for mental factors and stress management developed together with the understanding of how important group processes and leader/coach relations are for development, performance and overall health for athletes and this led me into the field of Leadership & coaching, group processes and mental training.

Some examples of non-academic assignments: Chairman of the International Ski Federation (FIS) Freestyle Athletes Committee, Selected Member of The International Ski Federation Athletes Commission, member and acting chairman of the Västerbotten Ski Federation performance coach/mental coach for the Swedish Freestyle National Team (for the Sochi 2014 Olympics) an assignment from the Swedish Olympic Committee and the Swedish Ski Federation.



International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Sage Publications 2021, Vol. 56, (4) : 537-557
Eliasson, Inger; Johansson, Annika
Reflektion som professionsverktyg inom polisen, Umeå: Enheten för polisutbildning, Umeå universitet 2020 : 79-89
Liljeholm Bång, Maria; Bäck, Thomas; Johansson, Annika
International journal of sports science & coaching, Sage Publications 2017, Vol. 12, (4) : 470-480
Johansson, Annika; Fahlén, Josef
20th Annual Congress of the European college of Sport Science, 24-27 June 2015, Malmö - Sweden: Book of Abstracts, European College of Sport Science 2015 : 440-441
Eliasson, Inger; Johansson, Annika
Pedagogiska rapporter från Pedagogiska institutionen, 91
Eliasson, Inger; Johansson, Annika
Pedagogiska rapporter från Pedagogiska institutionen, 90
Johansson, Annika; Karp, Staffan
Svensk Idrottsforskning: Organ för Centrum för Idrottsforskning, Stockholm: Centrum för idrottsforskning 2011, Vol. 20, (1) : 34-38
Johansson, Annika
People in motion - bridging the local and global: The 8th European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference, Umeå: Department of Education, Umeå University 2011 : 157-157
Johansson, Annika
Book of Abstracts: 5th International Congress on Science and Skiing
Johansson, Annika
Pedagogiska rapporter från Pedagogiska institutionen, 83
Johansson, Annika
Akademiska avhandlingar vid Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 95
Johansson, Annika
Licentiatavhandlingar vid Pedagogiska institutionen: Umeå universitet
Johansson, Annika
PM : pedagogiska mätningar, 138
Johansson, Annika
PM : pedagogiska mätningar, 89
Stage, Christina; Johansson, Annika
SVEBI:s årsbok 1992: Aktuell beteendevetenskaplig idrottsforskning, Svensk förening för beteendevetenskaplig idrottsforskning, Lund 1992 : -
Johansson, Annika; Wedman, Ingemar
Undervisningsserien / Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 15
Andersson, Heléne; Bergkvist, Helen; Johansson, Annika; et al.
SVEBI:s årsbok 1988: Aktuell beteendevetenskaplig idrottsforskning, Svensk Förening för Beteendevetenskaplig Idrottsforskning, Lund 1988 : -
Andersson, H; Bergkvist, H; Johansson, Annika; et al.

Research groups

Contact person for the research profile
Learning in police work

Research projects

31 October 2018 until 31 December 2022