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Staff photo Anne Gotfredsen

Anne Gotfredsen

Research interests includes youth mental health and leisure. Currently stationed at University of Newcastle, Australia as a postodoctoral fellow.


5B, Målpunkt P, Försörjningsvägen 7 B, Norrlands universitetssjukhus Epidemiologi och global hälsa, Umeå Universitet, 90185 Umeå

Works at

Postdoctoral fellow at Department of Epidemiology and Global Health
Postdoctoral fellow at Department of Epidemiology and Global Health
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, Taylor & Francis 2024, Vol. 19, (1)
Goicolea, Isabel; Richter Sundberg, Linda; Wiklund, Maria; et al.
BMC Health Services Research, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 24
Richter Sundberg, Linda; Gotfredsen, Anne; Christianson, Monica; et al.
Journal of International Migration and Integration, Springer 2023, Vol. 24 : 695-713
Goicolea, Isabel; Gotfredsen, Anne; Jonsson, Frida; et al.
Wellbeing, Space and Society, Elsevier 2023, Vol. 4
Gotfredsen, Anne; Linander, Ida
Stockholm: Forte - Forskningsrådet för hälsa, arbetsliv och välfärd 2023
Gotfredsen, Anne; Strömbäck, Maria
Journal of Youth Studies, Routledge 2022, Vol. 25, (10) : 1350-1366
Gotfredsen, Anne; Enlund, Desirée; Goicolea, Isabel; et al.
BMC Research Notes, BioMed Central 2022, Vol. 15, (1)
Jonsson, Frida; Gotfredsen, Anne C.; Goicolea, Isabel
Community Development Journal, Oxford University Press 2021, Vol. 56, (3) : 506-523
Gotfredsen, Anne C.; Landstedt, Evelina
NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, Routledge 2021, Vol. 29, (2) : 110-123
Linander, Ida; Goicolea, Isabel; Wiklund, Maria; et al.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, Taylor & Francis 2020, Vol. 15, (1)
Gotfredsen, Anne Christina; Goicolea, Isabel; Landstedt, Evelina
Folkhälsomyndigheten 2020
Linander, Ida; Strömbäck, Maria; Wiklund, Maria; et al.
European Journal of Public Health, Oxford University Press 2018, Vol. 28 : 94-94
Skovdal, M.; Gee, S.; Gotfredsen, Anne; et al.

I teach qualitative methods, focusing on visual methods but also within the field of gender and health.