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Staff photo Anna Croon

Anna Croon

Research qualifications: Docent

Works at

Associate professor at Department of Informatics
MIT-huset, Campustorget 5, MIT.F.442 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Feminist Theory, Sage Publications 2022, Vol. 23, (2) : 232-246
Croon Fors, Anna
DRS2022: Research papers
Neidhardt, Anja; Wiltse, Heather; Croon Fors, Anna
CHI´19 (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) "Weaving the threads of CHI", Glasgow, Scotland, UK, May 4-9, 2019.
Croon Fors, Anna; Svedmark, Eva; Danielsson, Karin
Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Boston, Massachusetts, August 30 - September 2, 2017
Croon Fors, Anna; Svedmark, Eva
Handbook of Research on Technolselves: Identity in a Technological Society, Hershey: IGI Global 2013 : 45-63
Croon Fors, Anna
International Journal of Scoiotechnology and Knowledge Development, Vol. 4, (3) : 56-63
Thaidens, Theo; Regev, Gil; Beard, Jon W.; et al.
The 6th European conference on gender and ICT: feminist interventions in theories and practices
Croon Fors, Anna
Travelling thoughtfulness: feminist technoscience stories, Umeå: Informatik, Umeå universitet 2010 : 293-303
Croon Fors, Anna
AI & Society: The Journal of Human-Centred Systems and Machine Intelligence, London: Springer 2010, Vol. 25, (1) : 27-33
Croon Fors, Anna
International Review of Information Ethics, Vol. 12 : 6-11
Croon Fors, Anna; Wiberg, Mikael
5th conference on Gender and ICT
Croon Fors, Anna; Mörtberg, Christina
International Workshop: Good Life in a Technological Age: University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, June 12-14, 2008
Croon Fors, Anna
Design Philosophy Papers, Vol. 1
Stolterman, Erik; Croon Fors, Anna
Proceedings of the  29th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS 29), August 12-15 2006, Helsingør, Denmark.: Paradigms, Politics, Paradoxes
Croon Fors, Anna
5th European workshop on Phenomenology, Organisation and Technology (POT)
Croon Fors, Anna
Proceedings of the 29th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Paradigms Politics Paradoxes, August 12-15, Helsingör.
Croon Fors, Anna
Research reports in informatics, 1401-4572, RR06.03
Croon Fors, Anna
Information Systems Research Relevant Theory and Informed Practice: 20th Years Retrospective: Relevant Theory and Informed Practice - Looking Forward from a 20-year Perspective on IS Research, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers 2004 : 687-692
Stolterman, Erik; Croon Fors, Anna
Techne: Design aesthetics: die frage über technik, Barcelona, Spain: University of Barcelona, Spain 2003 : 1-9
Croon, Anna; Stolterman, Erik
Digital Creativity, Swets & Zeitlinger: 2002, Vol. 13, (1) : 1-14
Croon Fors, Anna; Jakobsson, Mikael
Proceedings of IRIS 25: New ways of working in IS
Croon Fors, Anna; Nyberg, Annakarin
Crossroads in Cultural Studies
Croon Fors, Anna; Svedmark Ikonomidis, Eva
Crossroads in Cultural Studies
Croon Fors, Anna; Svedmark Ikonomidis, Eva
Från Siffror till Surfning: könsperspektiv på informationsteknik, Lund: Studentlitteratur 2001 : 71-91
Croon, Anna; Palmquist, Lena
Proceedings of HCI International '99: Communication, Cooperation, and Application Design, Munich, Germany: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 1999 : 392-396
Croon, Anna
Proceedings of the Conference Exploring Cyber Society: Social, Political, Economic and Cultural Issues, Newcastle, UK: Univeristy of Northumbria at Newcastle 1999 : 1-9
Croon, Anna
Proceedings of IRIS 21: Information Systems Research in Collaboration with Industry, Aalborg, Denmark: Computer Science, University of Aalborg, Denmark 1998 : 139-150
Croon, Anna
Human IT, (2) : 9-20
Croon, Anna; Ågren, Per-Olof
Proceedings of IRIS 20: Social Informatics, Oslo: Department of Informatics, University of Oslo 1997 : 591-604
Croon, Anna
Proceedings of the 16th IRIS: Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia, Copenhagen 7-10 August 1993, Copenhagen: Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen 1993 : 410-416
Croon, Anna
UMADB-C, 176
Croon, Anna

Research groups

Head of research
Feminist technoscience
Head of research
Norm critical design
Group member

Research projects

1 September 2019 until 31 August 2025
30 November 2016 until 30 November 2019