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Ann Öhman
Research qualifications:
+46 90 786 92 19
Works at
Affiliated as professor emerita at
Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS)
Samhällsvetarhuset, Plan 4
‘Important, but difficult’: Swedish primary care professionals’ perceptions and experiences of dealing with violence against women: an interview study
BMC Primary Care
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 25, (1)
Öhman, Ann; Vives -Cases, Carmen; Edin, Kerstin
Regional and clinical guidelines for prevention and care of obstetric anal sphincter injuries - A critical frame analysis
, Elsevier 2023, Vol. 119
Persson, Margareta; Lindberg, Inger; Öhman, Ann
Professional knowledge development and evidence-based practice in confusing vs. supportive work organizations: A grounded theory situational analysis of Swedish elderly care
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
, Taylor & Francis 2023, Vol. 39, (5) : 994-1006
Öhman, Ann; Keisu, Britt-Inger; Enberg, Birgit
Playing the complex game of social status in school – a qualitative study
Global Health Action
, Taylor & Francis 2020, Vol. 13, (1)
Joffer, Junia; Randell, Eva; Öhman, Ann; et al.
Respectability and rights: Sexual and reproductive health and rights of Sri Lankan women formerly involved in prostitution
Contemporary South Asia
, Routledge 2020, Vol. 28, (1) : 28-42
Jordal, Malin; Öhman, Ann; Wijewardene, Kumudu
Möjligheter och mellanrum: Berättelser om genus och akademiska livslopp
, Stockholm: Makadam Förlag 2020 : 7-18
Lundgren, Britta; Kalman, Hildur; Öhman, Ann; et al.
Möjligheter och mellanrum: berättelser om genus och akademiska livslopp
Makadam förlag 2020
Lundgren, Britta; Kalman, Hildur; Öhman, Ann; et al.
Concerned and conscious, but defenceless - the intersection of gender and generation in child malnutrition in Indonesia: a qualitative grounded theory study
Global Health Action
, Taylor & Francis 2020, Vol. 13, (1)
Vaezghasemi, Masoud; Öhman, Ann; Ng, Nawi; et al.
Ständigt på väg och i rörelse - om kön, klass och akademikerblidande
Möjligheter och mellanrum: Berättelser om genus och akademiska livslopp
, Makadam förlag 2020 : 160-221
Öhman, Ann
'The public health turn on violence against women': Analysing Swedish healthcare law, public health and gender-equality policies
BMC Public Health
, BioMed Central 2020, Vol. 20, (1)
Öhman, Ann; Burman, Monica; Carbin, Maria; et al.
Health-Sector Responses to Intimate Partner Violence: fitting the Response Into the Biomedical Health System or Adapting the System to Meet the Response?
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
, Sage Publications 2018, Vol. 33, (10) : 1653-1678
Briones-Vozmediano, Erica; Maquibar, Amaia; Vives-Cases, Carmen; et al.
"The complaining women": health professionals' perceptions on patients with fibromyalgia in Spain
Disability and Rehabilitation
, Taylor & Francis 2018, Vol. 40, (14) : 1679-1685
Briones-Vozmediano, Erica; Öhman, Ann; Goicolea, Isabel; et al.
Employee effort: reward balance and first-level manager transformational leadership within elderly care
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, Vol. 32, (1) : 407-416
Keisu, Britt-Inger; Öhman, Ann; Enberg, Birgit
Intersections between gender and other relevant social determinants of health inequalities
Global Health Action
, Taylor & Francis 2017, Vol. 10
Goicolea, Isabel; Öhman, Ann; Vives-Cases, Carmen
Team social cohesion, professionalism, and patient-centeredness: gendered care work, with special reference to elderly care – a mixed methods study
BMC Health Services Research
, BioMed Central 2017, Vol. 17
Öhman, Ann; Keisu, Britt-Inger; Enberg, Birgit
Exploring self-rated health among adolescents: a think-aloud study
BMC Public Health
, BioMed Central 2016, Vol. 16
Joffer, Junia; Jerdén, Lars; Öhman, Ann; et al.
What is a good workplace?: Tracing the logics of NPM among managers and professionals in Swedish elderly care
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
, Vol. 6 : 27-46
Keisu, Britt-Inger; Öhman, Ann; Enberg, Birgit
What is Health and What is Important for its Achievement?: A Qualitative Study on Adolescent Boys' Perceptions and Experiences of Health
Open Nursing Journal
, Vol. 10 : 26-35
Randell, Eva; Jerdén, Lars; Öhman, Ann; et al.
Tough, sensitive and sincere: how adolescent boys manage masculinities and emotions
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth
, Taylor & Francis 2016, Vol. 21, (4) : 486-498
Randell, Eva; Jerdén, Lars; Öhman, Ann; et al.
Respectable, Disreputable, or Rightful? Young Nicaraguan Women's Discourses on Femininity, Intimate Partner Violence, and Sexual Abuse: A Grounded Theory Situational Analysis
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma
, Vol. 25, (3) : 315-332
Salazar, Mariano; Goicolea, Isabel; Öhman, Ann
Mental problems and their socio-demographic determinants in young schoolchildren in Sweden, a country with high gender and income equality
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
, Vol. 44, (1) : 18-26
Stenmark, Helena; Bergström, Erik; Hägglöf, Bruno; et al.
Experience of living with nonspecific building-related symptoms
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
, Wiley-Blackwell 2016, Vol. 57, (5) : 406-412
Söderholm, Anna; Öhman, Ann; Stenberg, Berndt; et al.
School experiences may be important determinants of mental health problems in middle childhood: a Swedish longitudinal population-based study
Acta Paediatrica
, John Wiley & Sons 2016, Vol. 105, (4) : 407-415
Waenerlund, Anna-Karin; Stenmark, Helena; Bergström, Erik; et al.
When mobility becomes too high: on gender, power and work in elderly care
Gränser, mobilitet och mobilisering: Boundaries, mobility and mobilisation : Nationell konferens för genusforskning = Swedish conference for gender research
, Göteborg: Nationella sekretariatet för genusforskning 2016 : 165-
Öhman, Ann
'Disrespectful men, disrespectable women': men's perceptions on heterosexual relationships and premarital sex in a Sri Lankan Free Trade Zone - a qualitative interview study
BMC International Health and Human Rights
, BioMed Central 2015, Vol. 15
Jordal, Malin; Wijewardena, Kumudu; Öhman, Ann; et al.
Negotiating Masculinity, Violence, and Responsibility: A Situational Analysis of Young Nicaraguan Men’s Discourses on Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma
, Taylor & Francis 2015, Vol. 24, (2) : 131-149
Salazar, Mariano; Öhman, Ann
Gender and health inequalities: intersections with other relevant axes of oppression
Global Health Action
, Vol. 8
Vives-Cases, Carmen; Eriksson, Malin; Goicolea, Isabel; et al.
Gender and health: aspects of importance for understanding health and illness in the world
Global Health Action
, Vol. 8
Öhman, Ann; Eriksson, Malin; Goicolea, Isabel
Challenging gender and violence: Positions and discourses in Swedish and international contexts
Women's Studies: International Forum
, Vol. 46 : 81-82
Burman, Monica; Öhman, Ann
Easy to Oppose, Difficult to Propose: Young Activist Men's Framing of Alternative Masculinities under the Hegemony of Machismo in Ecuador
Young - Nordic Journal of Youth Research
, Vol. 22, (4) : 399-419
Goicolea, Isabel; Coe, Anna-Britt; Öhman, Ann
Applying the WHO recommendations on health-sector response to violence against women to assess the Spanish health system: a mixed methods approach
Gaceta Sanitaria
, Vol. 28, (3) : 238-41
Goicolea, Isabel; Vives-Cases, Carmen; Minvielle, Fauhn; et al.
Negotiating Respectability: Migrant Women Workers' Perceptions on Relationships and Sexuality in Free Trade Zones in Sri Lanka
Health Care for Women International
, Taylor & Francis 2014, Vol. 35, (6) : 658-676
Jordal, Malin; Essén, Birgitta; Wijewardena, Kumudu; et al.
Who is using the morning-after pill?: Inequalities in emergency contraception use among ever partnered Nicaraguan women; findings from a national survey
International Journal for Equity in Health
, BioMed Central 2014, Vol. 13, (1) : 61-
Salazar, Mariano; Öhman, Ann
The effect of gender and social capital on the dual burden of malnutrition: a multilevel study in indonesia
, Vol. 9, (8) : e103849-
Vaezghasemi, Masoud; Öhman, Ann; Eriksson, Malin; et al.
Living close to the edge: embodied dimensions of distress during emerging adulthood
, SAGE Open 2014, Vol. 2, (4) : 1-17
Wiklund, Maria; Öhman, Ann; Bengs, Carita; et al.
Development policies, intimate partner violence, Swedish gender equality and global health
Women's Studies: International Forum
, Elsevier 2014, Vol. 46 : 115-122
Öhman, Ann; Emmelin, Maria
How gender hierarchies matter in youth activism: young people's mobilizing around sexual health in Ecuador and Peru
Journal of Youth Studies
, Routledge 2013, Vol. 16, (6) : 695-711
Coe, Anna-Britt; Goicolea, Isabel; Öhman, Ann
A community intervention for behaviour modification: an experience to control cardiovascular diseases in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
BMC Public Health
, BioMed Central 2013, Vol. 13
Dewi, Fatwa Sari Tetra; Stenlund, Hans; Marlinawati, V. Utari; et al.
Work experiences among nurses and physicians in the beginning of their professional careers - analyses using the effort-reward imbalance model
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
, Vol. 27, (1) : 36-43
Enberg, Birgit; Sundelin, Gunnevi; Öhman, Ann
Mapping and exploring health systems' response to intimate partner violence in Spain
BMC Public Health
, BioMed Central 2013, Vol. 13, (1)
Goicolea, Isabel; Briones-Vozmediano, Erica; Öhman, Ann; et al.
Policing or disciplining emotions in research collaborations
The emotional politics of research collaboration
, London: Routledge 2013 : 53-66
Öhman, Ann
When sex is hardly about mutual pleasure: Dominant and resistant discourses on sexuality and its consequences for young people's sexual health
International Journal of Sexual Health
, Vol. 24, (4) : 303-317
Goicolea, Isabel; Salazar Torres, Mariano; Edin, Kerstin; et al.
Condemning violence without rejecting sexism?: exploring how young men understand intimate partner violence in Ecuador
Global Health Action
, CoAction Publishing 2012, Vol. 5, (1)
Goicolea, Isabel; Öhman, Ann; Salazar Torres, Mariano; et al.
Migrant Women Negotiating Gender Relations and Sexual and Reproductive Health Risks in Free Trade Zones, Sri Lanka
International Journal of Qualitative Methods
, Vol. 11, (5) : 861-862
Jordal, Malin; Essen, Birgitta; Wijewardena, Kumudu; et al.
Migrant women negotiating gender relations and sexual and reproductive health risks in Free Trade Zones, Sri Lanka
International Journal of Qualitative Methods
, Vol. 11, (5) : 861-862
Jordal, Malin; Essén, Birgitta; Wijewardena, Kumudu; et al.
Challenges to Interdisciplinarity: Development of Arena Work in Gender Research Collaborations
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
, Vol. 2, (13) : 58-67
Kalman, Hildur; Lundgren, Britta; Öhman, Ann
The supportive process for ending intimate partner violence after pregnancy: the experience of nicaraguan women
Violence against Women
, Vol. 18, (11) : 1257-1278
Salazar, Mariano; Högberg, Ulf; Valladares, Eliette; et al.
Can the impact of gender equality on health be measured? a cross-sectional study comparing measures based on register data with individual survey-based data
BMC Public Health
, BioMed Central 2012, Vol. 12, (1) : 795-
Sörlin, Ann; Öhman, Ann; Ng, Nawi; et al.
'Expanding your mind': the process of constructing gender-equitable masculinities in young Nicaraguan men participating in reproductive health or gender training programs
Global Health Action
, CoAction Publishing 2012, Vol. 5, (1)
Torres, Virgilio Mariano Salazar; Goicolea, Isabel; Edin, Kerstin; et al.
Subjective health complaints in older adolescents are related to perceived stress, anxiety and gender: a cross-sectional school study in Northern Sweden
BMC Public Health
, Vol. 12, (993)
Wiklund, Maria; Malmgren-Olsson, Eva-Britt; Öhman, Ann; et al.
View publications in DiVA
Research projects
1 January 2016 until 31 December 2018
The Public Health Turn on Violence against Women – Swedish Healthcare’s readiness and governance
1 September 2012 until 1 September 2014
Masculinity and violence against women in Nicaragua. How do Nicaraguan young men masculinities influence their responses to gender based violence?
1 May 2012 until 30 April 2015
What moves health providers to incorporate intimate partner violence management within their daily practice?
1 January 2006 until 31 December 2009
Can group intervention increase well-being and reduce stress among teenage girls with long-term pain, stress and negative body image?
Published: 12 Oct, 2021
“We need to stop telling women to step up”
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