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Anders Behndig
+46 90 786 78 48
Works as
Professor, senior consultant (attending) physician at
Department of Clinical Sciences
Section: Ophthalmology
Role: Head of unit
by 3C, 1 tr, korridor AB11, Ögonkliniken
Umeå universitet, Klinisk vetenskap/Oftalmiatrik, 901 85 Umeå
Randomized clinical trial comparing customized corneal crosslinking: Epi-on in high oxygen and epi-off in room air for keratoconus
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery
, Wolters Kluwer 2024, Vol. 50, (7) : 746-753
Elving, Sofie; Fredriksson, Anneli; Beckman Rehnman, Jeannette; et al.
Thermographic analysis of the corneal surface in epi-on and epi-off corneal crosslinking for keratoconus
Acta Ophthalmologica
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 102, (5) : 529-534
Fredriksson, Anneli; Näslund, Sofie; Saric, Amanda; et al.
Effects of customized corneal cross-linking on higher-order aberrations in progressive keratoconus and low-grade myopia
Acta Ophthalmologica
Hayek, Jad; Viberg, Andreas; Elving, Sofie; et al.
Prioritizations in Swedish cataract surgery - when resources are limited: exemplified by the COVID-19 pandemic
Acta Ophthalmologica
Kreku, Ruben; Behndig, Anders; Viberg, Andreas
Ten-year trends of immediate sequential bilateral cataract surgery (ISBCS) as reflected in the Swedish National Cataract Register
Acta Ophthalmologica
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 102, (1) : 68-73
Lundström, Mats; Kugelberg, Maria; Zetterberg, Madeleine; et al.
Safety of an intracameral fixed combination for mydriasis and intraocular anaesthesia during cataract surgery
Clinical Ophthalmology
, Dove Medical Press 2024, Vol. 18 : 1103-1115
Nuijts, Rudy MMA; Cochener-Lamard, Béatrice; Szaflik, Jacek P.; et al.
The European registry of quality outcomes for cataract and refractive surgery: benefits and lessons of a multinational registry.
NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery
, Massachusetts Medical Society 2024, Vol. 5, (11)
Segers, Maartje H.M.; Behndig, Anders; Van Den Biggelaar, Frank J.H.M.; et al.
Ten-year trends of delayed sequential bilateral cataract surgery (DSBCS) in Sweden: a register-based study
Eye and vision
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 11, (1)
Viberg, Andreas; Bro, Tomas; Behndig, Anders; et al.
Repositioning of in-the-bag dislocated intraocular lenses: a randomized clinical trial comparing two surgical methods
Ophthalmic Research
, S. Karger 2023, Vol. 66, (1) : 590-598
Armonaite, Laura; Behndig, Anders
Two point four million cataract surgeries: 30 years with the Swedish National Cataract Register, 1992-2021
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery
, Wolters Kluwer 2023, Vol. 49, (8) : 879-884
Bro, Tomas; Behndig, Anders; Viberg, Andreas; et al.
Cataract surgery in patients with uveitis: data from the Swedish National Cataract Register
Acta Ophthalmologica
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 101, (4) : 376-383
Pålsson, Sara; Pivodic, Aldina; Grönlund, Marita Andersson; et al.
Reply: Anesthesia techniques and the risk of complications as reflected in the European registry of quality outcomes for cataract and refractive surgery
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery
, Wolters Kluwer 2023, Vol. 49, (9) : 1000-1001
Segers, Maartje H. M.; Rosen, Paul; van den Biggelaar, Frank J. H. M.; et al.
Development of machine learning models to predict posterior capsule rupture based on the EUREQUO registry
Acta Ophthalmologica
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 101, (6) : 644-650
Triepels, Ron J. M. A.; Segers, Maartje H. M.; Rosen, Paul; et al.
Consequences of mechanical pupil dilation, a study based on the Swedish national cataract register
Acta Ophthalmologica
, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 100, (5) : 520-525
Kreku, Ruben; Behndig, Anders
Comparison of two annular photorefractive intrastromal cross-linking protocols in high oxygen for low-grade myopia through 24-month follow-up
Acta Ophthalmologica
, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 100, (5) : 549-558
Näslund, Sofie; Beckman Rehnman, Jeannette; Fredriksson, Anneli; et al.
Outcome of cataract surgery in eyes with diabetic retinopathy: a Swedish national cataract register report
Acta Ophthalmologica
, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Inc. 2022, Vol. 100, (2) : e571-e577
Ridderskär, Lucas; Montan, Per; Kugelberg, Maria; et al.
Risk factors for posterior capsule rupture in cataract surgery as reflected in the European Registry of Quality Outcomes for Cataract and Refractive Surgery
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery
, Vol. 48, (1) : 51-55
Segers, Maartje H. M.; Behndig, Anders; van den Biggelaar, Frank J. H. M.; et al.
Outcomes of cataract surgery complicated by posterior capsule rupture in the European Registry of Quality Outcomes for Cataract and Refractive Surgery
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery
, Wolters Kluwer 2022, Vol. 48, (8) : 942-946
Segers, Maartje H M; Behndig, Anders; van den Biggelaar, Frank J H M; et al.
Anesthesia techniques and the risk of complications as reflected in the European registry of quality outcomes for cataract and refractive surgery
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery
, Wolters Kluwer 2022, Vol. 48, (12) : 1403-1407
Segers, Maartje H. M.; Rosen, Paul; van den Biggelaar, Frank J. H. M.; et al.
Seventy-one cases of uveitis-glaucoma-hyphaema syndrome
Acta Ophthalmologica
, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 99, (1) : 69-74
Armonaite, Laura; Behndig, Anders
Changing practice patterns in European cataract surgery as reflected in the European Registry of Quality Outcomes for Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2008 to 2017
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery
, Wolters Kluwer 2021, Vol. 47, (3) : 373-378
Lundström, Mats; Dickman, Mor; Henry, Ype; et al.
Treatment effect with 2 photorefractive intrastromal cross-linking protocols in low-grade myopia through 24-month follow-up
Acta Ophthalmologica
, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 99, (5) : 519-526
Näslund, Sofie; Fredriksson, Anneli; Alm, Anna; et al.
Reply: Risk factors for posterior capsule rupture in cataract surgery as reflected in the European Registry of Quality Outcomes for Cataract and Refractive Surgery
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery
, Wolters Kluwer 2021, Vol. 47, (9) : 1250-1251
Segers, Maartje H M; van den Biggelaar, Frank J H M; Nuijts, Rudy M M A; et al.
Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration after Cataract Surgery: A Study from the Swedish National Cataract and Macula Registers
Acta Ophthalmologica
, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 99, (1) : e124-e129
Westborg, Inger; Albrecht, Susanne; Granstam, Elisabet; et al.
Re: Zetterberg et al.: A composite risk score for capsule complications based on data from the Swedish National Cataract Register: relation to surgery volumes (Ophthalmology. 2020 Jul 22 [Epub ahead of print]) REPLY
, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 128, (2) : E11-E12
Zetterberg, Madeleine; Kugelberg, Maria; Nilsson, Ingela; et al.
A Composite Risk Score for Capsule Complications Based on Data from the Swedish National Cataract Register: Relation to Surgery Volumes
, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 128, (3) : 364-371
Zetterberg, Madeleine; Kugelberg, Maria; Nilsson, Ingela; et al.
A prospective evaluation of photorefractive intrastromal cross-linking for the treatment of low-grade myopia
Acta Ophthalmologica
, John Wiley & Sons 2020, Vol. 98, (2) : 201-206
Fredriksson, Anneli; Näslund, Sofie; Behndig, Anders
Safety and efficacy of a standardized intracameral combination of mydriatics and anesthetic for cataract surgery in type-2 diabetic patients
BMC Ophthalmology
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2020, Vol. 20, (1)
Labetoulle, Marc; Behndig, Anders; Tassignon, Marie-José; et al.
Catquest-9SF functioning over a decade: a study from the Swedish National Cataract Register
Eye and vision
, BioMed Central 2020, Vol. 7, (1)
Lundström, Mats; Kugelberg, Maria; Montan, Per; et al.
Incidence of corneal transplantation after phacoemulsification in patients with corneal guttata: a registry-based cohort study
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery
, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2020, Vol. 46, (7) : 961-966
Viberg, Andreas; Samolov, Branka; Claesson Armitage, Margareta; et al.
Re: Zetterberg et al.: Cataract surgery volumes and complications per surgeon and clinical unit: data from the Swedish National Cataract Register 2007 to 2016 (Ophthalmology. 2020;127:305-314) REPLY
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 127, (9) : E84-E85
Zetterberg, Madeleine; Montan, Per; Kugelberg, Maria; et al.
Cataract Surgery Volumes and Complications per Surgeon and Clinical Unit Data from the Swedish National Cataract Register 2007 to 2016
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 127, (3) : 305-314
Zetterberg, Madeleine; Montan, Per; Kugelberg, Maria; et al.
Iris suture fixation of out-of-the-bag dislocated three-piece intraocular lenses
Acta Ophthalmologica
, John Wiley & Sons 2019, Vol. 97, (6) : 583-588
Armonaite, Laura; Löfgren, Stefan; Behndig, Anders
Systemic exposure to intracameral vs topical mydriatic agents: in cataract surgery.
Clinical Ophthalmology
, Dovepress 2019, Vol. 13 : 811-819
Guell, Jose; Behndig, Anders; Pleyer, Uwe; et al.
The impact of corneal guttata on the results of cataract surgery
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery
, Elsevier 2019, Vol. 45, (6) : 803-809
Viberg, Andreas; Liv, Per; Behndig, Anders; et al.
Risk of corneal transplantation after phacoemulsification in patients with cornea guttata
Acta Ophthalmologica
, John Wiley & Sons 2019, Vol. 97, (S263)
Viberg, Andreas; Samolov, Branka; Armitage, Margareta Claesson; et al.
Pupil dilation dynamics with an intracameral fixed combination of mydriatics and anesthetic during cataract surgery.
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery
, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 44, (3) : 341-347
Chiambaretta, Frederic; Pleyer, Uwe; Behndig, Anders; et al.
Spectacle use after routine cataract surgery and vision-related activity limitation
Acta Ophthalmologica
, John Wiley & Sons 2018, Vol. 96, (6) : 582-585
Farhoudi, Daniel B.; Behndig, Anders; Mollazadegan, Kaziwe; et al.
Spectacle use after routine cataract surgery: a study from the Swedish National Cataract Register
Acta Ophthalmologica
, John Wiley & Sons 2018, Vol. 96, (3) : 283-287
Farhoudi, Daniel B.; Behndig, Anders; Montan, Per; et al.
Effects of 17-Estradiol on Activity, Gene and Protein Expression of Superoxide Dismutases in Primary Cultured Human Lens Epithelial Cells
Current Eye Research
, Taylor & Francis Group 2018, Vol. 43, (5) : 639-646
Skiljic, Dragana; Petersen, Anne; Karlsson, Jan-Olof; et al.
[CONSULTATION SECTION: CATARACT] Delayed epithelial healing after photorefractive keratectomy: March Consultation #2
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery
, Vol. 43, (3)
Behndig, Anders
Corneal Collagen Crosslinking for Ectasia after Refractive Surgery
, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 2017, Vol. 124, (10) : 1440-1441
Behndig, Anders
Measurement centration and zone diameter in anterior, posterior and total corneal astigmatism in keratoconus
Acta Ophthalmologica
, John Wiley & Sons 2017, Vol. 95, (8) : 826-833
Fredriksson, Anneli; Behndig, Anders
Endophthalmitis Prophylaxis in Cataract Surgery: Overview of Current Practice Patterns Around the World
Current pharmaceutical design
, BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBL LTD 2017, Vol. 23, (4) : 565-573
Grzybowski, Andrzej; Schwartz, Stephen G.; Matsuura, Kazuki; et al.
Refractive improvements and safety with topography-guided corneal crosslinking for keratoconus: 1-year results
British Journal of Ophthalmology
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2017, Vol. 101, (7) : 920-925
Nordström, Maria; Schiller, Maria; Fredriksson, Anneli; et al.
Ocular tolerance in rabbits after intracameral administration of a fixed combination of tropicamide, phenylephrine, and lidovaine with and without rinsing
Journal of cataract and refractive surgery
, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC 2017, Vol. 43, (5) : 673-679
Nuijts, Rudy M. M. A.; Mencucci, Rita; Viaud-Quentric, Karen; et al.
Analysis of long-term visual quality with numerical 3D ray tracing after corneal crosslinking treatment
Applied Optics
, Optical Society of America 2017, Vol. 56, (35) : 9787-9792
Schedin, Staffan; Hallberg, Per; Behndig, Anders
Keratokonus kan behandlas effektivt
, Läkartidningen Förlag 2016, Vol. 113, (38)
Behndig, Anders
Eccentric small-zone ray tracing wavefront aberrometry for refraction in keratoconus
Acta Ophthalmologica
, Wiley-Blackwell 2016, Vol. 94, (7) : 679-684
Fredriksson, Anneli; Behndig, Anders
Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of a standardised intracameral combination of mydriatics and anaesthetics for cataract surgery
British Journal of Ophthalmology
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2016, Vol. 100, (7) : 976-985
Labetoulle, Marc; Findl, Oliver; Malecaze, François; et al.
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