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Amir Sherif
Research qualifications:
Works at
Associate professor, senior consultant (attending) physician at
Department of Diagnostics and Intervention
Section: Urology and Andrology
2, Målpunkt A42, Norrlands universitetssjukhus
Umeå universitet, 901 85 Umeå
Protein profile in urinary extracellular vesicles is a marker of malignancy and correlates with muscle invasiveness in urinary bladder cancer
Cancer Letters
, Elsevier 2025, Vol. 609
Steiner, Loïc; Eldh, Maria; Offens, Annemarijn; et al.
Imaging single particle profiler to study nanoscale bioparticles using conventional confocal microscopy
Nano Letters
, American Chemical Society (ACS) 2025, Vol. 25, (6) : 2173-2180
Sych, Taras; Görgens, André; Steiner, Loïc; et al.
Long-term survival after volatile or propofol general anesthesia for bladder cancer surgery: a retrospective national registry cohort study
, American Society of Anesthesiologists 2024, Vol. 140, (6) : 1126-1133
Enlund, Mats; Hållberg, Hampus; Berglund, Anders; et al.
Cumulative incidence of and risk factors for BCG infection after adjuvant BCG instillations
BJU International
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 134, (2) : 229-238
Holmberg, Lars; Skogmar, Sten; Garmo, Hans; et al.
Don't throw out the baby with the bath water!: Editorial comment to DaBlaCa-17: nationwide observational study in Denmark on survival before and after implementation of neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior to cystectomy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer
Scandinavian journal of urology
, Medical Journals Sweden 2024, Vol. 59 : 117-118
Sherif, Amir
Validation of clinical T stages and of prognostic negative markers in patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer: data in the Swedish National Bladder Cancer Registry vs. data from a detailed research database
Translational Andrology and Urology
, AME Publishing Company 2024, Vol. 13, (12) : 2757-2770
Wedholm, Albin; Wiberg, Erik; Styrke, Johan; et al.
Long-term patient follow-up should be routinely implemented in radiotherapy units to detect late adverse effects after cancer treatment
Scandinavian journal of urology
, Medical Journals Sweden 2023, Vol. 58 : 30-31
Aas, Kirsti; Sherif, Amir
Short term outcomes after robot assisted and open cystectomy: A nation-wide population-based study
European Journal of Surgical Oncology
, Elsevier 2023, Vol. 49, (4) : 868-874
Bergengren, Oskar; Belozerov, Alexej; Bill-Axelson, Anna; et al.
Novel zebrafish patient-derived tumor xenograft methodology for evaluating efficacy of immune-stimulating bcg therapy in urinary bladder cancer
, MDPI 2023, Vol. 12, (3)
Kowald, Saskia; Huge, Ylva; Tandiono, Decky; et al.
Immune-activated B cells are dominant in prostate cancer
, MDPI 2023, Vol. 15, (3)
Saudi, Aws; Banday, Viqar Showkat; Zirakzadeh, A. Ali; et al.
The risk of thromboembolism in patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer before and after cystectomy depending on blood group and neoadjuvant chemotherapy: a multicentre retrospective cohort study
Journal of Personalized Medicine
, MDPI 2023, Vol. 13, (9)
Schulz Hägersten, Emma; Ottosson, Kristoffer; Pelander, Sofia; et al.
A validation study of cT-categories in the Swedish national urinary bladder cancer register - Norrland University Hospital
Journal of Personalized Medicine
, MDPI 2023, Vol. 13, (7)
Wiberg, Erik; Vega, Andrés; Eriksson, Victoria; et al.
Standardized care pathways for patients with suspected urinary bladder cancer: the Swedish experience
Scandinavian journal of urology
, Taylor & Francis 2022, Vol. 56, (3) : 227-232
Abuhasanein, Suleiman; Jahnson, Staffan; Aljabery, Firas; et al.
Do not throw out the baby with the bath water
Scandinavian journal of urology
, Taylor & Francis 2022, Vol. 56, (3) : 235-236
Abuhasanein, Suleiman; Jahnson, Staffan; Aljabery, Firas; et al.
A prospective multicenter study of visual response-evaluation by cystoscopy in patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy for muscle invasive urinary bladder cancer
Scandinavian journal of urology
, Taylor & Francis Group 2022, Vol. 56, (1) : 20-26
Asad, Danna; Styrke, Johan; Hagsheno, Mohammad; et al.
Bladder cancer recurrence in papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential (PUNLMP) compared to G1 WHO 1999: a population-based study
Scandinavian journal of urology
, Taylor & Francis Group 2022, Vol. 56 : 14-18
Bobjer, Johannes; Hagberg, Oskar; Aljabery, Firas; et al.
Thromboembolic events during neoadjuvant chemotherapy in muscle invasive bladder cancer – any correlation to the central venous access?: A clinical practice article
F1000 Research
, F1000 Research 2022, Vol. 11
Eriksson, Victoria; Eriksson, Elisabeth; Sherif, Amir
A retrospective analysis of the de ritis ratio in muscle invasive bladder cancer, with focus on tumor response and long-term survival in patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy and in chemo naïve cystectomy patients: a study of a clinical multicentre database
Journal of Personalized Medicine
, MDPI 2022, Vol. 12, (11)
Eriksson, Victoria; Holmkvist, Oscar; Huge, Ylva; et al.
Adverse events during neoadjuvant chemotherapy for muscle invasive bladder cancer: a Swedish retrospective multicentre study of a clinical database
Translational Andrology and Urology
, AME Publishing Company 2022, Vol. 11, (8) : 1105-1115
Eriksson, Victoria; Holmlund, Jennie; Wiberg, Erik; et al.
Number of transurethral procedures after non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer and survival in causes other than bladder cancer
, Public Library of Science 2022, Vol. 17, (9)
Holmberg, Lars; Hagberg, Oskar; Häggström, Christel; et al.
Cohort profile: Bladder Cancer Data Base Sweden (BladderBaSe) 2.0
BMJ Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2022, Vol. 12, (12)
Häggström, Christel; Hagberg, Oskar; Gårdmark, Truls; et al.
Swedish National Guidelines on Urothelial Carcinoma: 2021 update on non-muscle invasive bladder cancer and upper tract urothelial carcinoma
Scandinavian journal of urology
, Taylor & Francis 2022, Vol. 56, (2) : 137-146
Liedberg, Fredrik; Kjellström, Sofia; Lind, Anna-Karin; et al.
Nomograms including UBC
Rapid Test to detect primary bladder cancer based on a multicenter data set
BJU International
, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 130, (6) : 754-763
Meisl, Christina J.; Karakiewicz, Pierre I.; Einarsson, Roland; et al.
Risk of bladder cancer death in patients younger than 50 with non-muscle-invasive and muscle-invasive bladder cancer
Scandinavian journal of urology
, Taylor & Francis 2022, Vol. 56, (1) : 27-33
Russell, Beth; Liedberg, Fredrik; Hagberg, Oskar; et al.
Thromboembolic events in patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radical cystectomy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer: a study of renal impairment in relation to potential thromboprophylaxis
Journal of Personalized Medicine
, MDPI 2022, Vol. 12, (12)
Rydell, Harriet; Ericson, Anna; Eriksson, Victoria; et al.
Central Venous Access and the Risk for Thromboembolic Events in Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Radical Cystectomy for Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer
, MDPI 2022, Vol. 12, (8)
Rydell, Harriet; Huge, Ylva; Eriksson, Victoria; et al.
A population-based study on the effect of a routine second-look resection on survival in primary stage T1 bladder cancer
Scandinavian journal of urology
, Taylor & Francis 2021, Vol. 55, (2) : 108-115
Bobjer, Johannes; Hagberg, Oskar; Aljabery, Firas; et al.
Proteomic profiling of tissue exosomes indicates continuous release of malignant exosomes in urinary bladder cancer patients, even with pathologically undetectable tumour
, MDPI 2021, Vol. 13, (13)
Eldh, Maria; Mints, Michael; Hiltbrunner, Stefanie; et al.
Thromboembolism in Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer. A Population-based Nationwide Study
Bladder Cancer
, IOS Press 2021, Vol. 7, (2) : 161-171
Jahnson, Staffan; Gårdmark, Truls; Hosseini, Abolfazl; et al.
Survival after radical cystectomy during holiday periods
Scandinavian journal of urology
, Taylor & Francis Group 2021, Vol. 55, (4) : 276-280
Liedberg, Fredrik; Hagberg, Oskar; Aljabery, Firas; et al.
Cumulative incidence of midline incisional hernia and its surgical treatment after radical cystectomy and urinary diversion for bladder cancer: a nation-wide population-based study
, Public Library of Science 2021, Vol. 16, (2)
Liedberg, Fredrik; Hagberg, Oskar; Aljabery, Firas; et al.
Cumulative incidence of ureteroenteric strictures after radical cystectomy in a population-based Swedish cohort
Scandinavian journal of urology
, Taylor & Francis 2021, Vol. 55, (5) : 361-365
Magnusson, Jenny; Hagberg, Oskar; Aljabery, Firas; et al.
Control computerized tomography in neoadjuvant chemotherapy for muscle invasive urinary bladder cancer, has no value for treatment decisions and low correlation with nodal status
Scandinavian journal of urology
, Taylor & Francis 2021, Vol. 55, (6) : 455-460
Tenninge, S.; Mogos, H.; Eriksson, E.; et al.
The intratumoral CXCR3 chemokine system is predictive of chemotherapy response in human bladder cancer
Science Translational Medicine
, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 2021, Vol. 13, (576)
Vollmer, Tino; Schlickeiser, Stephan; Amini, Leila; et al.
Immune responses against autologous tumor and human papilloma virus in lymph nodes from patients with penile cancer
Investigative and Clinical Urology
, The Korean Urological Association 2021, Vol. 62
Zhang, Lu; Zirakzadeh, A. Ali; Rosvall, Jesper; et al.
Abstract 6124: Translation of zebrafish tumor-derived xenograft-models for improved diagnosis and treatment planning in urinary bladder cancer patients
Cancer Research
, American Association for Cancer Research 2020, Vol. 80, (6 Supplement) : 6124-6124
Ali, Zaheer; Nilsson, Anna; Vildevall, Malin; et al.
Treatment and prognosis of bladder cancer patients with other primary cancers: A nationwide population-based study in the Bladder Cancer Data Base Sweden (BladderBaSe)
BJU International
, John Wiley & Sons 2020, Vol. 126, (5) : 625-632
Aljabery, Firas; Liedberg, Fredrik; Häggström, Christel; et al.
Fewer tumour draining sentinel nodes in patients with progressing muscle invasive bladder cancer, after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radical cystectomy
World journal of urology
, Springer 2020, Vol. 38 : 2207-2213
Alvaeus, Julia; Rosenblatt, Robert; Johansson, Markus; et al.
Urinary Exosomes from Bladder Cancer Patients Show a Residual Cancer Phenotype despite Complete Pathological Downstaging
Scientific Reports
, Nature Publishing Group 2020, Vol. 10, (1)
Hiltbrunner, Stefanie; Mints, Michael; Eldh, Maria; et al.
No increased risk of short-term complications after radical cystectomy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer among patients treated with preoperative chemotherapy: a nation-wide register-based study
World journal of urology
, Springer 2020, Vol. 38, (2) : 381-388
Jerlström, Tomas; Chen, Ruoqing; Liedberg, Fredrik; et al.
IL-16 processing in sentinel node regulatory T cells is a factor in bladder cancer immunity
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology
, John Wiley & Sons 2020, Vol. 92, (6)
Krantz, David; Mints, Michael; Winerdal, Malin; et al.
Computerized tomography before the final treatment cycle of neoadjuvant chemotherapy or induction chemotherapy in muscle-invasive urinary bladder cancer, cannot predict pathoanatomical outcomes and does not reflect prognosis-results of a single centre retrospective prognostic study
Translational Andrology and Urology
, AME Publishing Company 2020, Vol. 9, (3) : 1062-1072
Mogos, Haben; Eriksson, Elisabeth K; Styrke, Johan; et al.
The increased risk for thromboembolism pre-cystectomy in patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy for muscle-invasive urinary bladder cancer is mainly due to central venous access: a multicenter evaluation
International Urology and Nephrology
, Springer 2020, Vol. 52, (4) : 661-669
Ottosson, Kristoffer; Pelander, Sofia; Johansson, Markus; et al.
Blood transfusions during neoadjuvant chemotherapy for muscle-invasive urinary bladder cancer may have a negative impact on overall survival
Scandinavian journal of urology
, Taylor & Francis 2020, Vol. 54, (1) : 46-51
Rosenblatt, Robert; Lorentzi, Gabriella; Bahar, Maryam; et al.
Sustainable long-term results on postoperative sexual activity after radical prostatectomy when a clinical sexologist is included in the sexual rehabilitation process: A retrospective study on 7 years postoperative outcome
Central European Journal of Urology
, Warsaw: Polish Urological Association 2020, Vol. 73, (4) : 551-557
Ströberg, Peter; Ljunggren, Christina; Sherif, Amir
EAU-ESMO Consensus Statements on the Management of Advanced and Variant Bladder Cancer – An International Collaborative Multistakeholder Effort: Under the Auspices of the EAU-ESMO Guidelines Committees
European Urology
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 77, (2) : 223-250
Witjes, J. Alfred; Babjuk, Marek; Bellmunt, Joaquim; et al.
Tumour-associated B cells in urothelial urinary bladder cancer
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology
, Wiley-Blackwell 2020, Vol. 91, (2)
Zirakzadeh, A. Ali; Sherif, Amir; Rosenblatt, Robert; et al.
Management and outcome of muscle-invasive bladder cancer with clinical lymph node metastases: a nationwide population-based study in the bladder cancer data base Sweden (BladderBaSe)
Scandinavian journal of urology
, Taylor & Francis 2019, Vol. 53, (5) : 332-338
Aljabery, Firas; Liedberg, Fredrik; Häggström, Christel; et al.
EAU–ESMO consensus statements on the management of advanced and variant bladder cancer - an international collaborative multi-stakeholder effort: under the auspices of the EAU and ESMO Guidelines Committees
Annals of Oncology
, Oxford University Press 2019, Vol. 30, (11) : 1697-1727
Horwich, A; Babjuk, M; Bellmunt, J; et al.
Management and outcome of TaG3 tumours of the urinary bladder in the nationwide, population-based bladder cancer database Sweden (BladderBaSe)
Scandinavian journal of urology
, Taylor & Francis 2019, Vol. 53, (4) : 200-205
Jahnson, Staffan; Gårdmark, Truls; Hosseini, Abolfazl; et al.
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Amir Sherif lab
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