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Staff photo Abdelbasset Yabrag

Abdelbasset Yabrag

I am a PhD student in Aftab Nadeem's research group.



Works at

Doctoral student at Department of Molecular Biology Section: Group Aftab Nadeem
6K och 6L, Sjukhusområdet Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I am a PhD student in Aftab Nadeem lab. My project aims to investigate the interaction of bacterial pore-forming proteins with mammalian cells and Acanthamoeba castellanii. Using cellular and biochemical approaches, I specifically aim to investigate how the pore-forming proteins, mainly ClyA and MakA, interact with the host cell membrane and regulate various cellular signaling cascades.

I have studied Master of Science in biotechnology (civilingenjör i medicinsk bioteknik) at Umeå University.  

Research groups

Group member