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Shows 111-120 of 156 hits
The philosophy of psychiatry and mental disorder
Type Syllabus
1FL125 2022-01-03 hp 202201 2022-01-27 The philosophy of psychiatry and mental disorder Psykiatrins och den psykiska ohälsans filosofi Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies 1630 Kursplan Utbildningsplan Syllabus
Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence: Ethics and Policy
Type Syllabus
1FL118 2021-10-04 hp 202140 2021-10-14 Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence: Ethics and Policy Den artificiella intelligensens filosofi: Etik och policy Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies 1630 Kursplan Utbildningsplan Syllabus
Modern political philosophy: the just society
Type Syllabus
1FL062 2008-01-21 hp 200804 2010-12-16 Modern political philosophy: the just society Modern politisk filosofi: Det rättvisa samhället Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies 1630 Kursplan Utbildningsplan Syllabus
Philosophy of Science and Education
Type Syllabus
6DI020 2016-10-24 J hp 201643 2016-09-15 Philosophy of Science and Education Vetenskap och kunskap - grundnivå (VAL, ULV) Department of Science and Mathematics Education 5740 Kursplan Utbildningsplan Syllabus
Philosophy of Science and Education
Type Syllabus
6DI004 2018-06-29 2018-02-19 J hp 201808 2014-12-17 Philosophy of Science and Education Vetenskap och kunskap, avancerad nivå (VAL,ULV) Department of Science and Mathematics Education 5740 Kursplan Utbildningsplan Syllabus
Getting your degree
Type Information page
After the completion of your studies you can apply for a degree certificate. Your application will be checked against applicable national and local higher education qualification rules. In most...
Quantitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences
Type Course, Master’s level
2ST031 The course consists of two parts: Scientific method and analysis of data (Part 1) and Independent work (Part 2). Part 1: Scientific method and analysis of data The role that probability theory and statistical philosophy plays within scientific method is discussed with the aim of noting
Advanced spatial analysis
Type Course, Master’s level
2KG505 This course aims to deepen skills and knowledge in qualitative and quantitative spatial methods and analyses and to prepare students for independent work and writing master thesis. The course starts with a general introduction addressing research ethics, and research design studies within
Evidence based public health
Type Course, Master’s level
3FH060 "Evidence-based medicine" and "Evidence-based practice" have had a significant influence on health services around the world since the 1990s, and the paradigm has had profound consequences for both clinical practice, research and decision-making. The aim of evidence-based practice is to
Master's Programme in Cognitive Science
Type Programme, Master’s Degree
How do we perceive the world? How should we understand memory, language and consciousness? Are human thought processes unique, or can other organisms – maybe even machines – think in ways that is similar to how we do it? You will have the opportunity to probe these questions from the perspective of