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Research infrastructure

Facilities, databases, knowledge-based resources and other research infrastructures are necessary in order to conduct top-level research. Umeå University hosts a range of such infrastructures and is part of national and international research infrastructure cooperations. Most of these are open for user from the whole University and beyond. Use the filters to find infrastructure of your interest.

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Coordination of infrastructure and research environments
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  • Coordination of infrastructure and research environments

    Coordination of infrastructure and research environments
Organisation Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Diagnostics and Intervention

AI for Medicine in Northern Sweden, AIM North, offers support with technical methods regarding machine learning and AI in clinical research projects. The center is available to researchers throughout the northern healthcare region.

Organisation Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies

ARIADNE+ is the European infrastructure for archaeological data. Via SEAD/Swedigarch, Umeå University provides environmental archaeology metadata to the portal.

Organisation Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine

Biobank Sweden is a national infrastructure for cooperation between Swedish regions and universities with a medical faculty on biobank related issues. The infrastructure also includes representatives from patient organisations and from industry associations.

Organisation Faculty of Medicine

Biobanken norr is part of Laboratory Medicine within Region Västerbotten. Biobanken norr consists partly of an organizational unit registered with the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO) with registration number 472, and partly of an operational unit.

Organisation Faculty of Medicine

The Biochemical Imaging Centre Umeå (BICU) is a national infrastructure that provides state-of-the-art microscopy technology, including advanced light microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Together with UCEM, BICU forms a node in the National Microscopy Infrastructure (NMI), Sweden for Correlative imaging. Please contact us for further information: info.bicu@umu.se

An instrument facility for biogeochemical analyses

MT-R&D’s development and research support is a research infrastructure that offers extensive technical competence and equipment to researchers and healthcare professionals. By doing so, the infrastructure supports the implementation of research and development projects.

Organisation Faculty of Medicine

BMCU is an interdisciplinary facility that provides state-of-the-art technology to characterize biomolecules. The facility allows measurements of affinity using different technologies, together with molecular weight analysis, folding and overall structure.

The Biopolymer Analytical Platform (former UPSC Plant Cell Wall and Carbohydrate Analytical Facility) has been an official KBC facility since 2018 and is dedicated to support research among KBC groups on cell walls of terrestrial and aquatic plants, and biopolymer materials. A large range of standard methods have been established with various sample preparation equipment for conventional wet chemistry methods and with state-of-the-art analytical instrument setups

Organisation Department of Chemistry

CBCS Umeå can help researchers find and develop small molecules to understand and decipher the function of biological pathways. We aim to create powerful tools for your research and set the ground for generating new leads for drug discovery.

Organisation Faculty of Medicine

The Clinical Research Center is a joint resource for Region and University for near-patient clinical studies. The Clinical Research Center may provide support to researchers from an idea to a completed study: anything from research facilities, equipment and GCP (Good Clinical Practice)-trained nurses to regulatory and administrative support in planning of a new clinical trial, management and end reports. At the Center both academic and corporate-sponsored studies are conducted.

Organisation Faculty of Medicine

Clinical Studies Sweden – Forum North is a platform for research-supporting infrastructure with the goal of facilitating the implementation of studies and increasing the availability of study participants throughout the northern healthcare region. Forum North is based on collaboration between Region Norrbotten, Region Jämtland Härjedalen, Region Västerbotten, Region Västernorrland, and Umeå University.

Organisation Department of Sociology

CORS is a national research infrastructure consortium that incorporates the largest, most influential and most widely used, international and national survey programs in Sweden.

Organisation Department of Chemistry

CASP is a data analytics platform at Umeå University that provides support and training to life science researchers in the analysis of experimental data, using advanced data-driven tools and strategies.

Organisation Centre for Demographic and Aging Research at Umeå University (CEDAR)

The Demographic Data Base (DDB) is a national research infrastructure that registers, processes and disseminates data for research, educational and archival purposes and promotes scientific collaboration and method development. 

Organisation Department of Political Science

The national research infrastructure DEMSCORE (Democracy, Environment, Migration, Social policy, Conflict, and Representation) brings together some of the world’s leading research infrastructures and databases to enable, accelerate and advance (inter-)national research and large-scale comparative analyses on complex societal challenges facing Sweden and the world.

Organisation Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine

The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) is one of the world's largest cohort studies and includes more than half a million (521 000) participants from ten European countries. EPIC was designed to study the association between diet, nutrition status, lifestyle, environmental factors, and the occurrence of cancer and other chronic diseases.

Organisation Department of Clinical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biosciences

DNA methylation is the process through which a methyl group is added to DNA nucleotides, most commonly at the 5-carbon position of cytosine (5mC). Methylation modifications play a crucial role in regulating gene expression by influencing the accessibility of the DNA. Changes in DNA methylation patterns can impact various cellular functions and are implicated in development, aging, and disease.

Organisation Faculty of Medicine

Euro-BioImaging is a European research infrastructure that provides world-class biological and biomedical imaging services to life science researchers across Europe.

Organisation Department of Sociology

ESS is an attitude and behavioral survey that has been undertaken five times in more than 30 European countries, including Sweden.

Organisation Department of Chemistry

Gas Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) is an open-access facility which provides a unique highly-sensitive detection of gaseous products and their stable isotopologues in a broad range of biological, geochemical, environmental, and chemical samples both in gas and liquid phases.

Organisation Department of Medical Biosciences, Faculty of Medicine

Clinical Genomics Umeå is a joint venture between Umeå University and the clinical laboratories at Umeå University Hospital. It operates in a tight collaboration with Genomic Medicine Center North and is an integrated part of the Department of Medical Biosciences, Umeå University.

Organisation Department of Computing Science

High Performance Computing Center North (HPC2N) is a national center for Scientific and Parallel Computing.

Organisation Humlab, Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Huminfra is a Swedish national infrastructure supporting digital and experimental research in the Humanities by providing users with a single entry point for finding existing Swedish materials and research tools, as well as developing national method courses. Huminfra is coordinated by Lund University Humanities Lab, and comprises 12 universities and organisations.

Organisation Humlab, Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Humlab's mission is to initiate, inspire and develop the interaction between the humanities, culture and information technology in research, postgraduate training, and teaching. We are a strong competence center at Umeå University with access to a technical environment specifically for digital humanities.

Organisation Umeå Marine Sciences Centre (UMF)

The mesocosms are used for ecological and toxicological experiments in harsh and icy conditions.

Organisation Humlab, Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Infravis is a national research infrastructure that will help researchers visualise data. The infrastructure will give researchers access to expertise and competence development at nine Swedish higher education institutions.

Organisation Department of Physics, Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Department of Computing Science, Department of Plant Physiology, Department of Molecular Biology

Integrated Science Lab, IceLab, seeks to be a hub for communication and collaboration in the life sciences at Umeå University. We take a modelling approach for causal understanding and connect researchers from different backgrounds.

Organisation Department of Sociology

The ISSP is a standardized survey cooperation project that presently is without parallel within the area of attitude research concerning the scope of social issues covered, the extent of countries involved, and the availability of time-series data.

Organisation Umeå Marine Sciences Centre (UMF)

Umeå Marine Sciences Centre (UMF) analyzes marine samples, participates in international calibrations and is specialized in brackish water biology and chemistry. Analyses are performed on the request of government agencies and universities, supporting research and environmental monitoring. The analyses are accredited by Swedac.

Organisation Department of Molecular Biology

MiSeq System is a benchtop sequencing platform capable of performing a broad range of sequencing applications, including de novo sequencing, genotyping, RNAseq, miRNA, ChIPSeq and sRNA analyses. It offers a cost-effective alternative to sequencing by capillary electrophoresis and qPCR.

Organisation Department of Applied Physics and Electronics

MAXS offers state-of-the-art X-ray diffraction, total X-ray scattering, and X-ray reflectometry with several sample environments for advanced material characterization to users from academy, industry, or public sectors. The platform also offers a comprehensive data evaluation environment with access to extensive reference databases for data collected at MAXS or elsewhere, including compatibility with data from synchrotron light sources.

Organisation Department of Physics

NanoLab is an open-access infrastructure, providing facilities in nano materials characterization located at the Department of Physics.

Organisation Faculty of Science and Technology

The National Academic Infrastructure for Supercomputing in Sweden, NAISS, is an infrastructure organisation for high-performance computing (HPC), storage, and data services for academic users in Sweden.

NBIS provides bioinformatics and data science support to the Swedish life science research community. We offer a broad spectrum of services, including advanced bioinformatics analysis, bioimage informatics, data management, imaging AI support, systems and tools development, and support to national compute resources.

Organisation Centre for Demographic and Aging Research at Umeå University (CEDAR)

The national resarch infrastructure NEAR facilitates the use of databases from major population longitudinal studies on aging and health in Sweden

The Swedish national research infrastructure for microscopy in life sciences NMI provides open access to state-of-the-art equipment and expertise in microscopy, and coordinates the participation in international microscopy infrastructures (EuroBioImaging).

Organisation Department of Chemistry

This infrastructure is based on a number of spectrometers (360-850 MHz) and provides support for NMR analysis of a wide variety of samples, everything from small organic molecules to proteins and new materials for materials science . The infrastructure is a node in the national networks SciLife Lab, SwedNMR and the Swedish NMR Centre.

Organisation Faculty of Medicine, Department of Clinical SciencesDepartment of Clinical Sciences

Biobank and database for children and young adults in Västerbotten.

Organisation Department of Plant Physiology, Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC)

Umeå Plant Science Center (UPSC) has a number of different growth rooms, growth cabinets and climate chambers that enable the cultivation of transgenic, flowering and non-flowering plants in controlled environments.

Organisation Faculty of Medicine

Personalised screening, risk prediction, and understanding disease trajectories for early detection of disease - An integrated cohort approach.

Organisation Department of Chemistry

PEP is the Umeå node of the national infrastructure Protein Production Sweden (PPS).

Organisation Faculty of Medicine

Register Centre North is a unit at Region Västerbotten aiming for high quality regarding register data, knowledge management and clinical research. Register Centre North develops and operates existing and new quality registers. We perform clinical improvement work, statistical analysis and reports and offer IT technical solutions. Our statisticians and epidemiologists have broad expertise and experience in many different types of clinical studies.

Organisation Department of Political Science

REPDEM provides access to world-leading databases for research on the struggle for government power in parliamentary democracies.

The Department of Food, Nutrition and Culinary Sciences have Sweden's most technologically advanced kitchen and dining room, which means that Umeå is advancing its position as a gastronomic metropolis in the north.

Organisation Umeå Marine Sciences Centre (UMF)

At Umeå Marine Sciences Centre (UMF), research vessels are available for research and environmental monitoring. UMF conducts regular sampling activities all year around in the Gulf of Bothnia, and when possible, projects and sampling activities are coordinated.

Organisation Faculty of Medicine

Small Animal Research Imaging Facility (SARIF) is an infrastructure that consists of five instruments that allow advanced imaging of structures and processes that take place inside the experimental animal. These instruments enable the same animal to be analyzed on several occasions and over a long period.

Organisation Humlab, Faculty of Arts and Humanities

The national research infrastructure Språkbanken CLARIN is aimed at researchers working with speech or text-based materials

Organisation Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies

SEAD is an open access, internationally oriented and interdisciplinary national research data infrastructure for storing, managing, disseminating and analyzing empirical data on past human activity, biodiversity and long-term environmental and climate change.

Organisation Centre for Demographic and Aging Research at Umeå University (CEDAR)

The European research infrastructure SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) is a transdisciplinary and longitudinal interview-based study of the effects of health, social, economic and environmental policies over the life-course of European citizens and beyond. SHARE is representend in 28 European countries and Israel and is involved in a network of global sister surveys.

Organisation Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies

SweDigArch is a national distributed infrastructure for digital archaeology that provides expertise, services and resources for digitising archaeological data.

Organisation Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies

The national research infrastructure SBDI provides biodiversity data such as information about populations of plants, animals and other life forms, as well as analysis tools and updated taxonomies.

The Swedish Metabolomics Centre (SMC) is a facility specialized in the use of mass spectrometry based methods for analysis of metabolites in different biological systems.

Organisation Faculty of Science and Technology

SwedNMR is a national research infrastructure that provides access to state-of-the-art NMR instrumentation as well as expert support in all fields of NMR spectroscopy.

Organisation Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Centre for Demographic and Aging Research at Umeå University (CEDAR)

SwedPop is a national research infrastructure, coordinating and disseminating data from the most significant Swedish historical population databases for research.

Organisation Umeå Marine Sciences Centre (UMF)

Umeå University is one of the participants in the Swedish Research Vessel Infrastructure for Marine Research, SWERVE, which is a national infrastructure initiative funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR). SWERVE will improve the conditions for Swedish ship-based marine research, by giving Swedish marine researchers enhanced access to ships, equipment, technical expertise, and data.

Organisation Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine

The construction workers cohort contains data from more than 389,000 individuals from the Swedish construction industry that was collected from 1971 to 1993 that can be linked with other Swedis registers.

Organisation Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies

Welcome to Environmental Archaeology Laboratory, a national resource. We conduct and support contract research in connection to cultural- and environmental conservation.

Organisation Department of Physics

The Laserlab Umeå comprises a collection of laboratories using lasers for their research.

Organisation Umeå Marine Sciences Centre (UMF)

The Mesocosm Facility at Umeå Marine Sciences Centre is one of Europe's most advanced. The mesocosms provide possibilities to conduct large scale water and sediment experiments under highly controlled conditions. The mesocosm facility is available for researchers from universities all over the world.

Organisation Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine

The Northern Sweden Diet Database (NSDD) contains refined dietary data from the counties of Norrbotten and Västerbotten.

Organisation Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine

The Northern Sweden Health and Disease Study (NSHDS) is one of Sweden’s largest population-based cohort studies with biobank samples and includes approximately 150 000 unique participants. NSHDS has a very long follow-up period and documented high sample quality. For around 65 000 individuals, there are repeated blood samples from different sampling occasions, often taken before the individual fell ill.

Organisation Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine

The MONICA Study was initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an international survey to measure trends and determinants in cardiovascular disease. The MONICA registries for stroke, heart attack and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest monitor trends in the incidence of these cardiovascular diseases in the counties of Norrbotten and Västerbotten.

Organisation Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine

The Section of Biobank and Registry Support support researchers within the entire Faculty of Medicine with questions related to biobank and registry studies, and coordinate access to biobank samples and data from a number of sample collections and registers.

Organisation Department of Odontology

The national research infrastructure The Swedish Twin Registry contains is the largest of its kind and an invaluable resource for medical research.

Organisation Department of Chemistry

The trace analysis platform (TAP) at the Department of Chemistry, Umeå University aims to provide state-of-the-art equipment, instrumentation, user training and support for trace analysis of small molecules in complex matrices, such as environmental and biological samples.

Organisation Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical and Translational Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology

The infrastructure offers a combination of multiphoton and imaging systems at high spatio-temporal resolution, combined with other physiological equipment for electrophysiology and imaging, in the living organism (mammals, zebrafish, etc), but also in vitro experiments.

(UFBI) is an inter-disciplinary research center where imaging techniques are used to examine brain structure and function in relation to both basic and clinical questions. To date, more than 100 UmU researchers and more than 50 external researchers have been involved in UFBI-projects as co-authors on publications based on data collected at UFBI.

Organisation Faculty of Medicine

Biomedical research on experimental animals at Umeå University is organized within Umeå Centre for Comparative Biology (UCCB).

Umeå Centre for Electron Microscopy (UCEM) is a university and national resource for research and higher education in electron microscopy techniques.

Organisation Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine

A facility for performing experiments under hypoxic conditions has been created at the Molecular Biology Department at Umeå University.

Organisation Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics (USBE), Department of Geography , Department of Sociology, Department of Epidemiology and Global Health, Faculty of Medicine

A research infrastructure giving access to health and socio-economic individual data on the whole Swedish population. Main research themes include “Childhood living conditions in connection with lifelong health and welfare”, as well as “Health and socio-economic inequalities in a lifecourse perspective.”

Organisation Faculty of Medicine

Umeå Transgenic Core Facility (UTCF) is housed within UCCB and is a fully integrated platform for generation, maintenance and DNA analysis of genetically modified animals. The transgenic facility performs pronuclear injections, blastocyst injections, embryo transfer, in vitro fertilization, and sperm cryopreservation.

Organisation Department of Clinical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine

Flow cytometry enables simultaneously analysis of cell surface bound as well as intracellular proteins and RNA expression on a single cell basis. In addition, secreted proteins can be analyzed using a bead based systems.

Organisation Faculty of Medicine

Umeå Zebrafish Facility (UZF) is the Umeå University facility for Zebrafish research.

Organisation Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, Department of Computing Science

UMeHealth is a regional competence centre for research, education and collaboration on intelligent, person-tailored eHealth interventions, behaviour change systems and decision support. UMeHealth strives to be a cross-disciplinary meeting point that transcends knowledge domains and engages citizens in developing their future digital tools for improving health and wellbeing.

Organisation Department of Chemistry

We are an open-access infrastructure, providing infrared and Raman spectroscopy and microspectroscopy services for local, national and international users, both academic and non-academic.

Organisation Humlab, Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Visible Speech (VISP) is an infrastructure developed to enable the handling of audio recordings of people speaking, in accordance with GDPR and IT security requirements.

Organisation Department of Chemistry

The XRDF provides services in robotic crystal set-ups, supervised crystal growth, cryo-data collection, high-resolution 3D structure determination and refinement

Organisation Department of Chemistry

XPS Platform provides surface analysis by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy (UPS), and Low Energy Inverse Photoemission Spectroscopy (LEIPS) techniques. A full range of conventional XPS measurements is available, including monochromatic Al Kα excitation, angle-resolved XPS, XPS imaging, and cryogenic measurements of hydrated (wet) samples.