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Research groups


Digital Sociology
Our Digital Sociology team within the DIGSUM Centre for Digital Social Research works with a variety of methodologies and theoretical perspectives ...
Discrete Mathematics
More about our research in Discrete Mathematics.
Research area: Mathematics
EcoChange Umeå
EcoChange is a strategic research programme that is hosted by Umeå University.
Eduardo Gracia Lab
We make the best out of the heterogeneity in nanomaterials.
Education Policy, and Youth Transitions
The profile includes research on education and training policy and politics as well as research on young people's careers in upper secondary school...
Research area: Educational sciences
Educational Leadership
Research is carried out on governance, leadership and support in different types of educational organizations and on the effects of these activities.
Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson Lab
We design and identify substances that can inhibit bacterial virulence and dismantle their action.
Ellen Bushell Lab
The group studies molecular mechanisms of malaria parasite-host interactions.
Research area: Infection biology
Embedded System Group (ESL)
The research environment covers activities within electrical and system engineering, applied physics, and biomedical engineering.
Emergency Care (EmCare)
In the research group EmCare, new knowledge is developed regarding the assessment of care needs, symptom relief, and interventions regardless of...
Empirical Legal Studies
The theme gathers scholars interested in the use of empirical methods in legal science. Since the common denominator is the methods, the theme can...
Research area: Law
Energy Efficiency
The goal for this group is increasingly effective use of our limited resources required for sustainable development, both locally and globally.