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Research groups


Racism, Nationalism, Ethnicity and Migration
Scholarship in this area investigates anti-immigrant sentiment, racism, and nationalism from various perspectives. Building on different theoretica...
Regional Economies in Change (REC) Group
Regional economies are in constant change. New economic activities emerge, while others disappear, creating opportunities for work in some jobs, an...
RElativistic Attosecond Physics Laboratory (REAL)
The goal of relativistic attosecond physics laboratory is laser-driven generation of the shortest light and electron pulses ever achieved, which ha...
Research area: Physical sciences
Responsible Artificial Intelligence
Read more about the research group Responsible Artificial Intelligence.
Research area: Computing science
Restoration ecology
Research area at the Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences.
Research area: Ecology
Revisioning the EU's jurisdiction over tax policy norms (WP1)
This research group, consisting of researchers from five different countries, critically evaluates the European Parliament’s legislative competence...
Richard Lundmark Lab
Membrane sculpting is fundamental for many cellular processes, and malfunction is implicated in many diseases.
Richard Palmqvist Lab
Colorectal cancer is a widespread disease, yearly affecting around 6000 individuals in Sweden.
Research area: Cancer
Rickard Sjöberg
Surgical intervention in the brain always carries a risk of affecting brain function.
Robin Fåhraeus Lab
Our group studies Whisper mutations.
Research area: Cancer
Robotics and Control Lab (RCLab)
In the Robotics and Control Group (RCLab) at TFE, we focus on development of mathematical models for real-world systems and on their constructive use.
ROBUST - Research Institute for Organization and Business in Sustainable Transitions
RiseB strives to be a force for change in a sustainable and ethical direction.
Research area: Business administration
Roger Henriksson lab
We have cloned the genes for human LRIG1-3, which constitute a gene family and are predicted to encode integral cell membrane proteins with cellula...
Research area: Cancer
Ronnie Berntsson Lab
The group studies structural biology of type 4 secretion systems.