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Research groups


Per-Arne Oldenborg-research group
Mechanisms regulating the innate immune system
Pernilla Wikström Lab
Our group studies biomarkers for aggressive prostate cancer.
Research area: Cancer
Peter Andersen Lab
We conduct clinical and pre-clinical research on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD).
Research area: Neurosciences
Peter Lind Lab
Modelling to predict the evolution of biofilm mutants and antibiotic resistance in Pseudomonas bacteria
Physical activity and exercise capacity in people with pulmonary disease
The research group consists of physiotherapists, engineers, medical doctors and computer scientists. We explore effects of different interventions,...
Political sociology
Political sociologists in our department use a variety of theoretical frameworks, methodological approaches, and data sources to examine both the...
RECEUM conducts research on early childhood education and school-age educare.
Research area: Educational sciences
Public Private Interaction and Regional Development
Read more about the research of the interaction between private law and public law.
Research area: Law
Queer Perspectives on Automated Facial Analysis Technology (Queer AI)
The Queer AI research group is engaged around issues of risks and opportunities with automated AI and facial analysis (FA) technology from a queer...
Racism, Nationalism, Ethnicity and Migration
Scholarship in this area investigates anti-immigrant sentiment, racism, and nationalism from various perspectives. Building on different theoretica...
Regional Economies in Change (REC) Group
Regional economies are in constant change. New economic activities emerge, while others disappear, creating opportunities for work in some jobs, an...
RElativistic Attosecond Physics Laboratory (REAL)
The goal of relativistic attosecond physics laboratory is laser-driven generation of the shortest light and electron pulses ever achieved, which ha...
Research area: Physical sciences