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Research groups


Mathematical Programming
Mathematical Programming Group develops theory, methods, and software for efficiently solving optimization and decision problems using modern...
Research area: Computing science, Mathematics
Matrix Computations with Applications
Read more about the research group Matrix Computations with Applications.
Research area: Computing science
Matthew Francis Lab
Francis' laboratory aims to understand the physiology and pathogenesis of bacteria.
Mattias Alenius
Our group is interested in the essential regulatory processes that control and maintain neuronal activity and which malfunction cause diseases like...
Mattias Brunström
Read more about the research within Mattias Brunströms research group.
Mattias Forsell Lab
We characterize how human B cells in circulation and tissues are affected by underlying disease.
Research area: Infection biology
Max Renner lab
Molecular and biochemical mechanisms in viral replication and strategies viruses use to subvert host cells.
Research area: Infection biology
Meals within school and health care
Meals within school and healthcare are something that all Swedes encounter to a greater or lesser degree. How these mealtimes should be organized, ...
Measurement and evaluation of dietary intake and dietary data
In order to understand how the food we eat affects our health, it is essential to study and evaluate individuals and groups intake of food.
Measurement in Behavioral Sciences
Measurement and assessment of knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes, regularly take place in our society, and especially in relation to...
Mental health and the digital realm
This research group at the Department of Social Work studies different aspects of mental health and the digital realm.
Merve Yeşilbaş Lab
Aquatic (geo) chemistry of Mars and icy worlds in our solar system, focusing on extreme environments on Earth.
Micael Widerström
Micael Widerström's research group works with infection epidemiology and infection ecology.
Michael Dimitriou-research group
To survive autonomously, every single human being must control their movements in a highly flexible and adaptive manner. The overall goal of our la...
Research area: Neurosciences