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Research groups


Linda Sandblad lab
Electron microscopy methods to study bacteria cytoskeleton structure, assembly and spatial organization.
Lisa Martinsson Lab
Our research group works on evaluating and developing methods to improve pain management for patients with cancer. We also conduct research on...
Research area: Cancer
Litum – Literacy research with an educational sciences orientation at Umeå University
Reading and writing takes place during a large part of people's waking hours in a variety of contexts and languages for different purposes. In rece...
Logic and Applications
Read more about the research group Logic and Applications.
Lucia Mincheva-Nilsson
Pregnancy and cancer share common aims – to escape attack by the immune system.
Research area: Cancer
Ludmilla Morozova-Roche
Role of amyloid formation and neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative diseases.
Ludvig Edman lab
Developing optoelectronics based on organic semiconductors, with focus on functionality and sustainability.
Machine Learning
We do research in machine learning, with both method and theory development and often with applications in e.g. automated radiotherapy and in life...
Research area: Cancer, Computing science
Madeleine Ramstedt Lab
Our group studies interactions between bacteria and materials.
Magnus Evander Lab
We study viruses that are transmitted from animals or mosquitoes. Also, we develop antiviral drugs.
Research area: Infection biology
Magnus Hultdin Lab
Telomere biology in blood cells and molecular factors - prognosis in lymphatic leukemias and lymphomas.
Research area: Cancer
Magnus P Andersson Lab
Develops synchrotron-based time-resolved X-ray methodology and studies protein dynamics of membrane proteins.
Magnus Sjögren's Research Group
Investigates the psychopathology and biology of eating disorders to find more effective treatments.
Research area: Clinical medicine
Magnus Wolf-Watz lab
Structure biological and biochemical links between human protein kinases Aurora and prostate cancer.
Research area: Cancer, Chemical sciences