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Research groups


Johan Hultdin Lab
Vitamin D in bladdercancer.
Research area: Cancer
Johan Normark lab
Our research is about host immunological and metabolomic responses to acute infections and vaccination.
Research area: Infection biology
Johan Rasmuson lab
text is coming soon
Research area: Infection biology
Johan Trygg Chemometrics Lab
Our focus: advanced data analytics to understand complex biological systems using data-driven modeling tools
Research area: Infection biology
Johan Wikner Lab
Our research group studies marine microbial ecology.
Jonas Barandun Lab
We study macromolecular complexes of specialized pathogenic organisms.
Research area: Infection biology
Jonas Nilsson lab
The research is focused on elucidating information released in to the circulation.
Research area: Cancer
Jonas von Hofsten lab
Muscle development and regeneration. During embryonic development, cells become committed to the myogenic fate through the activation of myogenic...
Research area: Cancer, Molecular medicine
Josefsson prostate cancer group
We aim to improve diagnostics, prognostics and treatment of prostate cancer.
Juan Jiang-research group
A fundamental question in motor control is how discrete modular elements of movement are coordinated into skilled motor output; e.g. reaching for a...
Julia Otten Research Group
Read about the research within Julia Otten:s group.
Jürgen Schleucher Lab
A biophysical approach to study climate change.
Jyri-Pekka Mikkola lab
Aspects of materials in solid or liquid form, i.e. heterogeneous catalysis, ionic liquids and deep eutectics.
Research area: Chemical sciences
Jörgen Johansson Lab
Stress regulatory mechanisms and RNA-mediated regulation in the bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogen.
Research area: Infection biology
Karin Forsberg Lab
ALS Research
Research area: Neurosciences