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Research groups


Health and Environment
The profile area concerns research in physical, chemical and psychosocial environmental factors’ impact on psychological and psychobiological aspec...
Health Humanities
Medical (or health) humanities engages with questions about medicine and health from a variety of perspectives including anthropology, literature,...
Helena Edlund
Type 2 diabetes and β-cell function
Research area: Molecular medicine
Henrik Antti Lab
Chemometric bioinformatics for studies of (cancer) diseases.
Research area: Cancer, Chemical sciences
Henrik Sjödin Lab
Researches on public health, global health and infectious epidemiology.
High-Performance and Automatic Computing
The High-Performance and Automatic Computing group is concerned with the development and analysis of accurate and efficient numerical algorithms,...
History and education
The research group consists of researchers within educational history and history didactics.
Research area: Educational sciences, History
Hyperemesis Gravidarum Research in Umeå
The Hyperemesis Or nausea in PrEgnancy (HOPE) study was established in 2019 as a collaboration between researchers at Umeå University, Norrland’s...
Håkan Hedman Lab
Our research group studies LRIG proteins and the regulation of cancer cell growth.
Research area: Cancer
Håkan Jonsson lab
Differences in tumour characteristics and treatment between screen and clinically detected breast cancer.
Research area: Cancer
Ignacio Mir-Sanchis Lab
Our group studies antimicrobial resistance - phage therapy.
Iker Aramburu lab
We are studying the role that microproteins and disordered proteins play in innate immune processes.
Increasing sustainability by harmonizing EU corporate tax bases (WP5)
This research group, led by Danuše Nerudová, Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic, is analysing what impact implementing a Common Consolidated...
Infrastructures of Care: Architecture, Livable Lives and Just Environments
This group brings together researchers and teachers with an interest in social, cultural, political, and experiential dimensions of architecture an...
Research area: Architecture