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Research groups


Feminist technoscience
In Feminist Technoscience, we draw on design-oriented and feminist theories to develop critical perspectives on everyday digital practices.
Florentin Späth lab
We research certain forms of blood cancer and the clinical management.
Research area: Cancer
Formal Methods for Trustworthy Hybrid Intelligence
Hybrid intelligence emerges from the collaboration between humans and intelligent systems, with the aim of enabling humans to achieve their goals...
Foundations of Language Processing
Read more about the research group Foundations of Language Processing.
Research area: Computing science
Francesca Aguilo
RNA-based gene regulation of cell fate and breast cancer.
Research area: Cancer
Fredrik Almqvist Lab
Method development and synthesis of molecules used for treatment of infectious and neurodegenerative diseases.
Fredrik Elgh
The group's research is about the herpes virus and its role in the development of Alzheimer's disease.
Research area: Infection biology
Freshwater ecology
Research area at the Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Science
Research area: Ecology
Functional Data Analysis and Spatial Statistics
The research group is led by Prof. Sara Sjöstedt de Luna at the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.
Research area: Mathematics, Statistics
Gastroenterology and hepatology
Our group works against liver diseases including liver cancer.
Gemma Atkinson group
Functional evolution of stress response proteins as well as translation and antibiotic resistance factors.
Research area: Molecular medicine
Gender and pedagogical processes in society
Researchers in the group Gender and Pedagogical Processes in Society (GePS) investigates gender and power in pedagogical processes in various...
Research area: Education, Gender studies
Gender equality and income inequalities in fiscal policies (WP3)
Researchers in this part of the FairTax project will produce innovative research and policy recommendations on the gender effects of changes in tax...