Research project Why is breast cancer sometimes a lethal disease and sometimes indolent without symptoms during decades? The overriding goal of this project is to investigate whether there is a heritable background for the fact that breast cancer sometimes develops into a lethal disease.
If one of my parents died from a cancer, which are my odds if I get the same cancer? Our studies based on the huge Swedish Multigeneration Registry have given clear evidence for heritability of the prognosis in cancer. If a mother died from breast cancer there is an increased risk for her daughter who also contracts breast cancer to succumb to the disease. Corresponding observation was done for father/son with prostate cancer. Also in renal cell cancer and bladder cancer we obtained corresponding findings. Studies of other cancer forms did not give clearcut evidence. Register studies as well as investigations on biologic material from specimen banks have given clear evidence for genetic variants governing the probability of a cancer to develop into a life threatening disease. We have now started a project aiming at disclosure of the genetic background in a genome-wide association study, meaning that the major part of the variation of the human genome can be captured on the same occasion.
Finansår , 2006, 2007, 2008
huvudman: Per Lenner, finansiar: Cancerfonden, y2006: 400, y2007: 400, y2008: 400,
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