What happens to the human body when adhering to a ketogenic diet? A randomised controlled trial
Research project
LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) is a popular but also debated dietary approach. Originally developed as a low-carbohydrate diet for weight loss, LCHF has gained interest in other areas as well, such as epilepsy, sports nutrition, and cancer research. Today, LCHF is one of the most common diets in Sweden. Unfortunately, well-controlled studies on the unique Swedish LCHF diet are lacking, which is a notable gap in research.
This study is a randomized controlled trial with a crossover design, where young, normal-weight women follow either a strict LCHF diet or a diet based on the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations. In this feeding trial (where participants consume only the food provided to them), we investigate how an LCHF diet affects risk factors for metabolic disease and physical performance.