What are the current barriers for circular and sustainable use of micro- and macronutrients in biobased value chains?
Research project
In this project, we identify various barriers to the circular use of both micro- and macronutrients with a focus on material properties such as leachability, process-dependent properties such as fractionation of elements, but also goal conflicts in current or future legislation that affect how micro- and macronutrients can be returned within sustainable and bio-based value chains.
The project explores how to increase the reuse of nutrients in biomass to meet the demand for sustainable products. This means overcoming barriers related to material properties and legislation to promote the circular use of micro- and macronutrients. By understanding these barriers, which include leachability and fractionation, as well as navigating regulatory conflicts, nutrients can be effectively returned to biobased value chains.
Project overview
Project period:
2023-10-01 –
Swedish Energy Agency
Participating departments and units at Umeå University
The increasing demand for sustainably produced biomass for various products places high demands on the circular use of both micro- and macronutrients. When biomass grows in forests, on fields, or in water, these elements are bound in products, residual streams or side streams in a value chain. There are various barriers for circularity of these elements. Nitrogen can be captured from waste water, but capture from gas is unusual today. Other elements, such as phosphorus and many micronutrients, are often present in solid materials. Different strategies are therefore required to simplify their circular use in the right chemical form. In this project, we identify various barriers to circular use with a focus on material properties such as leachability, process-dependent properties such as fractionation of elements, but also goal conflicts in current or upcoming legislation that affect how micro- and macronutrients can be returned within sustainable, bio-based value chains.