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Using No-Code AI to Teach Machine Learning in Higher Education

Research project This project aims to explore the potential of “no-code” AI platforms in higher education. By using user-friendly, no-code AI tools, we seek to democratize AI education, enabling students across various disciplines to train machine learning models without the need for extensive programming knowledge.

This initiative involves exploratory workshops and knowledge exchange with international partners, to develop of best practices for integrating no-code AI into educational programs. The research is being conducted with resources from the SCDI AI Business Lab.

Head of project

Leif Sundberg
Associate professor

Project overview

Project period:

Start date: 2024-01-01

Project description

This project aims to explore the potential of “no-code” AI platforms in higher education. By using user-friendly, no-code AI tools, we seek to democratize AI education, enabling students across various disciplines to train machine learning models without the need for extensive programming knowledge.

This initiative involves exploratory workshops and knowledge exchange with international partners, to develop of best practices for integrating no-code AI into educational programs. The research is being conducted with resources from the SCDI AI Business Lab. In the project, we build on previous experiences of using no-code AI in higher education at the department of informatics, for example in the master course "AI for business". 


Projekt genomförs med resurser från SCDI AI Business lab och omfattar utforskande workshops och kunskapsutbyte med internationella partners. I projektet utgår vi från tidigare erfarenheter av att använda no-code AI i högre utbildning vid institutionen för informatik, till exempel i masterkursen "AI for business".

Funder: The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet, VR).

Latest update: 2024-02-27