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Umeå as a test bed for smart sustainable city development

Research project An important problem that has been discussed both in Sweden and internationally, is the gap between people's alleged awareness/knowledge of environmental problems (climate change) and how they actually behave when it comes to the environment.

The project aims to develop interdisciplinary knowledge about the processes related to city development and measures for energy saving opportunities based on a behavioral, political, gender, and technical perspectives. It aims to form a scientifically based knowledge base for development at the municipal and city level. The intention is in addition to form an important basis for policy development and decision making about policy measures and to provide result of high relevance for sustainable urban development which are possible to implement.

Head of project

Annika Nordlund
Associate professor

Project overview

Project period:

2014-12-30 2016-12-31

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences

Research area

Electrical, electronic and system engineering, Energy engineering, Political science, Psychology
Latest update: 2018-06-20