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The origins of student health: School hygiene, students' bodies and the discovery of the risks of schooling, 1850–1905

Research project The project studies the emergence of school hygiene as an area of knowledge during the late nineteenth century and its impact on Swedish educational environments.

Head of project

Björn Norlin
Other position, associate professor

Project overview

Project period:

Start date: 2020-01-01


Lärarhögskolan, Umeå University

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Education

Research area


Project description

The overall purpose of the research is to achieve new knowledge about the emergence of school hygiene and the consequences this had at Swedish educational institutions from the 1850s until the turn of the century 1900. This is done through two separate studies that focus on different dimensions of this development; 1) the regulation of the school as a physical space and risk environment and 2) the discovery and biologicalisation of the student's bodies and inner life.

Latest update: 2021-10-28