Teaching/Learning expertise in sport- to become an elite football player
PhD project
My project focuses educational systems for expertise in sport as in becoming an elite football player, with emphasis on educational processes within the school sports in upper secondary schools.
I am also interested in the relationships/exchanges between school sports and other educational environments such as the local sports clubs – how do these environments co-operate with each other and how do they co-operate with the student or vice versa, and are there any educational models that supports the expertise development.
Project overview
Project period:
Start date: 2014-09-01
Participating departments and units at Umeå University
Sociocultural theory based on Vygotsky´s ideas is, for now, the overall theoretical framework and the project targets three areas of education; what is done in terms of content and educational design, the relationship between co-existing educational environments (school sports/local sports clubs), and the navigation within and between theese environments done by the sporting boys and girls.