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Swedish L2 Literacy Development for Adult immigrants: The Effect of Textual Input Manipulation on Information Integration

PhD project Adult newly arrived people who have settled in Sweden and left their homeland because of disastrous situations seek integration in the new society and are therefor required to achieve good quality competence/performance in the Swedish language in order to succeed in their societal interaction and job requirements.

Yet, the learning of a second language in the native context is quite challenging both for teachers and learners.

Head of project

Manar Halwani
Doctoral student

Project overview

Project period:

Start date: 2016-09-01

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Language Studies, Umeå School of Education

Project description

In the foreign country, where the learner is facing a new society and a different culture, learning the second language requires high efforts on the part of the learner in order to use the language as an effective tool for interaction. Thus, the present study aims to investigate how learners' attention, awareness of language processing, and textual input manipulation facilitate reading comprehension and consequently writing production. Learner interviews and literacy intervention study are going to be used to answer the questions:
1. How does the adult learner view the importance of social integration and how does this affect the learner's Swedish learning?
2. To what extent do textual input manipulation sustain information integration?

First supervisor: Kirk Sullivan
Second Supervisor: Eva Lindgren

Latest update: 2018-11-07